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B.8. I/O Redirection

Table B-9 shows a complete list of I/O redirectors. (This table is also included earlier as Table 7-1.) Note that there are two formats for specifying standard output and error redirection: &>file and >&file. The second of these, and the one used throughout this book, is the preferred way.

Table B-9. I/O redirectors



cmd1 | cmd2

Pipe; take standard output of cmd1 as standard input to cmd2

> file

Direct standard output to file

< file

Take standard input from file

>> file

Direct standard output to file; append to file if it already exists

>| file

Force standard output to file even if noclobber is set

n>| file

Force output to file from file descriptor n even if noclobber set

<> file

Use file as both standard input and standard output

n<> file

Use file as both input and output for file descriptor n

<< label


n> file

Direct file descriptor n to file

n< file

Take file descriptor n from file

>> file

Direct file descriptor n to file; append to file if it already exists


Duplicate standard output to file descriptor n


Duplicate standard input from file descriptor n


File descriptor n is made to be a copy of the output file descriptor


File descriptor n is made to be a copy of the input file descriptor


Directs standard output and standard error to file


Close the standard input


Close the standard output


Close the output from file descriptor n


Close the input from file descriptor n


If n is not specified, the standard output (file descriptor 1) is used; if the digits in word do not specify a file descriptor open for output, a redirection error occurs; as a special case, if n is omitted, and word does not expand to one or more digits, the standard output and standard error are redirected as described previously


If word expands to one or more digits, the file descriptor denoted by n is made to be a copy of that file descriptor; if the digits in word do not specify a file descriptor open for input, a redirection error occurs; if word evaluates to -, file descriptor n is closed; if n is not specified, the standard input (file descriptor 0) is used


Moves the file descriptor digit to file descriptor n, or the standard output (file descriptor 1) if n is not specified


Moves the file descriptor digit to file descriptor n, or the standard input (file descriptor 0) if n is not specified; digit is closed after being duplicated to n

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