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tar—stores and retrieves files from an archive file, normally a tape device

tar [ – ] c|r|t|u|x [ bBefFhilmopvwX0134778 ] [ tarfile ]

[ blocksize ] [ exclude–file ] [ –I include–file ]

filename1 filename2 . . . –C directory filenameN ...

Example A.57.

1   tar cvf /dev/diskette

2   tar tvf /dev/fd0

3   tar xvf /dev/fd0


  1. Sends all files under the present working directory to tape at device /dev/diskette, and prints the files that are being sent.

  2. Displays the table of contents of what is on tape device /dev/fd0.

  3. Extracts all files from tape and prints which files were extracted.

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