cut—removes selected fields or characters from each line of a file
cut –clist [ filename ... ]
cut –flist [ –dc ] [ –s ] [ filename ... ]
The cut command cuts out columns or characters from a line of a file; if no files are given, uses standard input. The –d option specifies the field delimiter. The default delimiter is a tab.
Example A.17.
1 cut -d: -f1,3 /etc/passwd
2 cut -d: -f1-5 /etc/passwd
3 cut -c1-3,8-12 /etc/passwd
4 date | cut -c1-3
Using the colon as a field delimiter, displays fields 1 and 3 of the /etc/passwd file. Using the colon as a field separator, displays fields 1 through 5 of the etc/passwd file. Cuts and displays characters 1 through 3 and 8 through 12 of each line from the /etc/passwd file. Sends the output of the date command as input to cut. The first three characters are printed.