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(Refer to the file called datebook on the CD.)

Steve Blenheim:238-923-7366:95 Latham Lane, Easton, PA 83755:11/12/56:20300

Betty Boop:245-836-8357:635 Cutesy Lane, Hollywood, CA 91464:6/23/23:14500

Igor Chevsky:385-375-8395:3567 Populus Place, Caldwell, NJ 23875:6/18/68:23400

Norma Corder:397-857-2735:74 Pine Street, Dearborn, MI 23874:3/28/45:245700

Jennifer Cowan:548-834-2348:583 Laurel Ave., Kingsville, TX 83745:10/1/35:58900

Jon DeLoach:408-253-3122:123 Park St., San Jose, CA 04086:7/25/53:85100

Karen Evich:284-758-2857:23 Edgecliff Place, Lincoln, NB 92743:7/25/53:85100

Karen Evich:284-758-2867:23 Edgecliff Place, Lincoln, NB 92743:11/3/35:58200

Karen Evich:284-758-2867:23 Edgecliff Place, Lincoln, NB 92743:11/3/35:58200

Fred Fardbarkle:674-843-1385:20 Parak Lane, Duluth, MN 23850:4/12/23:780900

Fred Fardbarkle:674-843-1385:20 Parak Lane, Duluth, MN 23850:4/12/23:780900

Lori Gortz:327-832-5728:3465 Mirlo Street, Peabody, MA 34756:10/2/65:35200

Paco Gutierrez:835-365-1284:454 Easy Street, Decatur, IL 75732:2/28/53:123500

Ephram Hardy:293-259-5395:235 CarltonLane, Joliet, IL 73858:8/12/20:56700

James Ikeda:834-938-8376:23445 Aster Ave., Allentown, NJ 83745:12/1/38:45000

Barbara Kertz:385-573-8326:832 Ponce Drive, Gary, IN 83756:12/1/46:268500

Lesley Kirstin:408-456-1234:4 Harvard Square, Boston, MA 02133:4/22/62:52600

William Kopf:846-836-2837:6937 Ware Road, Milton, PA 93756:9/21/46:43500

Sir Lancelot:837-835-8257:474 Camelot Boulevard, Bath, WY 28356:5/13/69:24500

Jesse Neal:408-233-8971:45 Rose Terrace, San Francisco, CA 92303:2/3/36:25000

Zippy Pinhead:834-823-8319:2356 Bizarro Ave., Farmount, IL 84357:1/1/67:89500

Arthur Putie:923-835-8745:23 Wimp Lane, Kensington, DL 38758:8/31/69:126000

Popeye Sailor:156-454-3322:945 Bluto Street, Anywhere, USA 29358:3/19/35:22350

Jose Santiago:385-898-8357:38 Fife Way, Abilene, TX 39673:1/5/58:95600

Tommy Savage:408-724-0140:1222 Oxbow Court, Sunnyvale, CA 94087:5/19/66:34200

Yukio Takeshida:387-827-1095:13 Uno Lane, Ashville, NC 23556:7/1/29:57000

Vinh Tranh:438-910-7449:8235 Maple Street, Wilmington, VM 29085:9/23/63:68900

1. Change the name Jon to Jonathan.

2. Delete the first three lines.

3. Print lines 5 through 10.

4. Delete lines containing Lane.

5. Print all lines where the birthdays are in November or December.

6. Append three asterisks to the end of lines starting with Fred.

7. Replace the line containing Jose with JOSE HAS RETIRED.

8. Change Popeye's birthday to 11/14/46. Assume you don't know Popeye's original birthday. Use a regular expression to search for it.

9. Delete all blank lines.

10. Write a sed script that will

a. Insert above the first line the title PERSONNEL FILE.

b. Remove the salaries ending in 500.

c. Print the contents of the file with the last names and first names reversed.

d. Append at the end of the file THE END.

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