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  1. Write a script called rename that will take two arguments: the first argument is the name of the original file and the second argument is the new name for the file. If the user does not provide two arguments, a usage message will appear on the screen and the script will exit. Here is an example of how the script works:

    $ rename
    Usage: rename oldfilename newfilename
    $ rename file1 file2
    file1 has been renamed file2
    Here is a listing of the directory:
    a file2
    b file.bak

  2. The following find command (SunOS) will list all files in the root partition that are larger than 100K and that have been modified in the last week. (Check your man pages for the correct find syntax on your system.)

      find / –xdev –mtime –7 –size +200 –print

  3. Write a script called bigfiles that will take two arguments: One will be the mtime and one the size value. An appropriate error message will be sent to stderr if the user does not provide two arguments.

  4. If you have time, write a script called vib that creates backup files for vi. The backup files will have the extension .bak appended to the original name.

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