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12.12. The Command Line

12.12.1 Processing Command-Line Options with getopts

If you are writing scripts that require a number of command-line options, positional parameters are not always most efficient. For example, the UNIX/Linux ls command takes a number of command-line options and arguments. (An option requires a leading dash; an argument does not.) Options can be passed to the program in several ways: ls –laFi, ls –i –a –l –F, ls –ia –F , and so forth. If you have a script that requires arguments, positional parameters might be used to process the arguments individually, such as ls –l –i –F . Each dash option would be stored in $1, $2, and $3, respectively. But, what if the user listed all of the options as one dash option, as in ls –liF? Now the –liF would all be assigned to $1 in the script. The getopts function makes it possible to process command-line options and arguments in the same way they are processed by the ls program.[7] The getopts function will allow the runit program to process its arguments using a variety of combinations.

[7] See the UNIX or Linux manual for the C library function getopt.

Example 12.68.

(The Command Line)

1    $ runit –x –n 200 filex

2    $ runit –xn200 filex

3    $ runit –xy

4    $ runit –yx –n 30

5    $ runit –n250 –xy filey

(any other combination of these arguments )


  1. The program runit takes four arguments; x is an option, n is an option requiring a number argument after it, and filex is an argument that stands alone.

  2. The program runit combines the options x and n and the number argument 200; filex is also an argument.

  3. The program runit combines the x and y options.

  4. The program runit combines the y and x options; the n option is passed separately as is the number argument, 30.

  5. The program runit combines the n option with the number argument; the x and y options are combined and the filey is separate.

Before getting into all the details of the runit program, we examine the line from the program where getopts is used to see how it processes the arguments. The following is a line from the script called runit:

while getopts :xyn: name

  1. x, y, and n are the options.

  2. Options typed at the command line begin with either – or +.

  3. Any options that do not contain a + or – tell getopts that the option list is at an end.

  4. The colon after an option says that the option requires an argument; that is, the –n option requires an argument.

  5. The colon before an option list says that if you type an illegal option, getopts will allow the programmer to handle it. For example, in the command runit –p, where –p is not one of the legal options, getopts will tell you so programmatically. The shell does not print an error message.

  6. Each time getopts is called, it places the next option it finds, without the dash, in the variable name. (You can use any variable name here.) If there is a plus sign prepended to the option, then it goes into name with the plus sign. If an illegal argument is given, name is assigned a question mark; if a required argument is missing, name is assigned a colon.

  7. OPTIND is a special variable that is initialized to one and is incremented each time getopts completes processing a command-line argument to the number of the next argument getopts will process.

  8. The OPTARG variable contains the value of a legal argument, or if an illegal option is given, the value of the illegal option is stored in OPTARG.

Sample getopts Scripts

The following sample scripts illustrate how getopts processes arguments.

Example 12.69.

(The Script)


     # Program opts1

     # Using getopts –– First try ––

1    while getopts xy options


2    case $options in

3        x) print "you entered –x as an option";;

         y) print "you entered –y as an option";;




(The Command Line)

4    $ opts1 –x

     you entered –x as an option

5    $ opts1 –xy

     you entered –x as an option

     you entered –y as an option

6    $ opts1 –y

     you entered –y as an option

7    $ opts1 –b

     opts1[3]: getopts: b bad option(s)

8    $ opts1 b


  1. The getopts command is used as a condition for the while command. The valid options for this program are listed after the getopts command; they are x and y . Each option is tested in the body of the loop, one after the other. Each option will be assigned to the variable options, without the leading dash. When there are no longer any arguments to process, getopts will exit with a nonzero status, causing the while loop to terminate.

  2. The case command is used to test each of the possible options found in the options variable, either x or y.

  3. If x was an option, the string you entered –x as an option is displayed.

  4. At the command line, the opts1 script is given an x option, a legal option to be processed by getopts.

  5. At the command line, the opts1 script is given an xy option, legal options to be processed by getopts.

  6. At the command line, the opts1 script is given a y option, a legal option to be processed by getopts.

  7. The opts1 script is given a b option, an illegal option. Getopts sends an error message.

  8. An option without a – or + prepended to it is not an option and causes getopts to stop processing arguments.

Example 12.70.

(The Script)


    # Program opts2

    # Using getopts –– Second try ––

1   while getopts :xy options


2        case $options in

         x) print "you entered –x as an option";;

         y) print "you entered –y as an option";;

3        \?) print $OPTARG is not a valid option 1>&2;;




(The Command Line)

    $ opts2 –x

    you entered –x as an option

    $ opts2 –y

    you entered –y as an option

    $ opts2 xy

    $ opts2 –xy

    you entered –x as an option

    you entered –y as an option

4   $ opts2 –g

    g is not a valid option

5   $ opts2 –c

    c is not a valid option


  1. The colon preceding the option list prevents the Korn shell from printing an error message for a bad option. However, if the option is a bad option, a question mark will be assigned to the options variable.

  2. The case command can be used to test for the question mark, allowing you to print your own error message to standard error.

  3. If the options variable is assigned the question mark, this case statement is executed. The question mark is protected with the backslash so that the Korn shell does not see it as a wildcard and try to perform filename substitution.

  4. g is not a legal option. The question mark is assigned to the options variable, and OPTARG is assigned the illegal option g.

  5. c is not a legal option. The question mark is assigned to the options variable, and OPTARG is assigned the illegal option c.

Example 12.71.

(The Script)


    # Program opts3

    # Using getopts –– Third try ––

1   while getopts :d options


         case $options in

2        d) print –R "–d is the ON switch";;

3        +d) print –R "+d is the OFF switch";;

         \?) print $OPTARG is not a valid option;;



 # Need the –R option with print or the shell tries to use –d as a print option


(The Command Line)

4   $ opts3 –d

    –d is the ON switch

5   $ opts3 +d

    +d is the OFF switch

6   $ opts3 –e

    e is not a valid option

7   $ opts3 e


  1. The while command tests the exit status of getopts; if getopts can successfully process an argument, it returns 0 exit status, and the body of the while loop is entered. The colon prepended to the d option tells getopts not to print an error message if the user enters an invalid option.

  2. One of the legal options is –d. If –d is entered as an option, the d (without the dash) is stored in the options variable. (The –R option to the print command allows the first character in the print string to be a dash.)

  3. One of the legal options is +d. If +d is entered as an option, the d (with the plus sign) is stored in the options variable.

  4. The –d option is a legal option to opts3.

  5. The +d option is also a legal option to opts3.

  6. The –e option is invalid. A question mark is stored in options if the option is illegal. The illegal argument is stored in OPTARG.

  7. The option is prepended with neither a dash nor a plus sign. The getopts command will not process it as an option and returns a nonzero exit status. The while loop is terminated.

Example 12.72.

(The Script)


    # Program opts4

    # Using getopts –– Fourth try ––

1   alias USAGE='print "usage: opts4 [-x] filename " >&2'

2   while getopts :x: arguments


    case $arguments in

3        x) print "$OPTARG is the name of the argument ";;

4        :) print "Please enter an argument after the -x option" >&2

             USAGE ;;

5       \?) print "$OPTARG is not a valid option." >&2



6   print "$OPTIND" # The number of the next argument to be processed



(The Command Line)

7   $ opts4 -x

    Please enter an argument after the -x option

    usage: opts4 [-x] filename


8   $ opts4 -x filex

    filex is the name of the argument


9   $ opts4 -d

    d is not a valid option.

    usage: opts4 [-x] filename



  1. The alias USAGE is assigned the diagnostic error message that will be printed if getopts fails.

  2. The while command tests the exit status of getopts; if getopts can successfully process an argument, it returns zero exit status, and the body of the while loop is entered. The colon prepended to the x option tells getopts not to print an error message if the user enters an invalid option. The colon appended to the x option tells getopts that an argument should follow the x option. If the option takes an argument, the argument is stored in the getopts built-in variable, OPTARG.

  3. If the x option was given an argument, the argument is stored in the OPTARG variable and will be printed.

  4. If an argument was not provided after the x option, a colon is stored in the variable arguments. The appropriate error message is displayed.

  5. If an invalid option is entered, the question mark is stored in the variable arguments and an error message is displayed.

  6. The special getopts variable, OPTIND, holds the number of the next option to be processed. Its value is always one more than the actual number of command-line arguments.

  7. The x option requires an argument. An error message is printed.

  8. The name of the argument is filex. The variable OPTARG holds the name of the argument filex.

  9. The option d is invalid. The usage message is displayed.

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