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  1. Go into the editor and create the following two-line text file called ex6:

    Last time I went to the beach I found a sea shell.
    While in Kansas I found a corn shell.

  2. Now append this line to your ex6 file:

    The National Enquirer says someone gave birth to a shell, called the born shell.

  3. Mail the ex6 file to yourself.

  4. Using a pipe, count the number of lines (wc –l) in your ex6 file.

  5. To list all set options, type the following:

    set –o

    Do you have the noclobber variable set? If not, type the following:

    set –o noclobber

    What happened?

  6. Type the following at the command line:

    cat << FINIS
    How are you $LOGNAME
    The time is `date`Bye!!

    What printed?

  7. Now try this using tabs:

    cat <<– END
       hello there
       how are you

    What printed?

  8. Type the following at the command line:

    kat file 2> error || print kat failed

    What happened? Why?

  9. Now type the following at the command line:

    cat zombie 2> errorfile || print cat failed

    What happened? Why? How does the && operator work? Try your own command to test it.

  10. Use the find command to print all files that begin with an a from the root directory down. Put the standard output in a file called foundit and send the errors to /dev/null.

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