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LAB 46: THE select LOOP

  1. Write a script that will do the following:

    1. Provide a comment section at the top of the script, with your name, the date, and the purpose of this program.

    2. Use the select loop to provide a menu of foods. The output will resemble the following:

      $ foods
      1) steak and potatoes
      2) fish and chips
      3) soup and salad
      Please make a selection. 1
      Stick to your ribs
      Watch your cholesterol
      Enjoy your meal.
      $ foods
      1) steak and potatoes
      2) fish and chips
      3) soup and salad
      Please make a selection. 2
      British are coming
      Enjoy your meal.
      $ foods
      1) steak and potatoes
      2) fish and chips
      3) soup and salad
      Please make a selection. 3
      Health foods...
      Dieting is so boring.
      Enjoy your meal.
      $ foods
      1) steak and potatoes
      2) fish and chips
      3) soup and salad
      Please make a selection. 5
      Not on the menu today!

  2. Rewrite the lookup script using the select command to create a main menu and a submenu. The menu will resemble the following:

    1) Add Entry
    2) Delete Entry
    3) Update Entry
    4) View Entry
         a) Name
         b) Phone
         c) Address
         d) Birthday
         e) Salary
    5) Exit

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