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  1. What process puts the login prompt on your screen?

  2. What process assigns values to HOME, LOGNAME, and PATH?

  3. How do you know what shell you are using?

  4. What command will allow you to change your login shell?

  5. Where is your login shell assigned (what file)?

  6. Explain the difference between the /etc/profile and ~/.bash_profile file. Which one is executed first?

  7. Edit your .bash_profile file as follows:

    1. Welcome the user.

    2. Add your home directory to the path if it is not there.

    3. Set erase to the Backspace key using stty.

    4. Type source.bash_profile. What is the function of the source command?

  8. What is the BASH_ENV file? When is it executed?

  9. What is the default primary prompt?

    1. Change the prompt to include the time of day and your home directory.

    2. What is the default secondary prompt? What is its function?

  10. Explain the function of each of the following settings:

    1. set –o ignoreeof

    2. set –o noclobber

    3. set –o emacs

    4. set –o vi

  11. In what file are the settings in the previous example stored? Why are they stored there?

  12. What does shopt –p do? Why use shopt instead of set?

  13. What is a built-in command? How can you tell if a command is a built-in or an executable? What is the purpose of the builtin command? The enable command?

  14. What would cause the shell to return an exit status of 127?

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