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  1. What is filename completion?

  2. What is the name of the file that stores a history of commands entered at the command line?

  3. What does the HISTSIZE variable control? What does HISTFILESIZE control?

  4. What does "bang, bang" mean?

  5. How would you re-execute the last command that started with a v?

  6. How would you re-execute the 125th command? How would you print the history list in reverse?

  7. How do you set interactive editing to use the vi editor? In what initialization file would you put this setting?

  8. What is the fc command?

  9. What is the purpose of the Readline library? From what initialization file does it read instructions?

  10. What is key binding? How do you find out what keys are bound?

  11. What is the universal argument?

  12. Create an alias for the following commands:

    1. clear

    2. fc –s

    3. ls ––color=tty

    4. kill –l

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