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A special acknowledgment goes to Susan Barr, my friend and colleague, for contributing her expertise on system administration and providing a new chapter for this edition. Susan spent hours testing examples for the many flavors of UNIX and Linux, and also took extra time to correct typos and any errors she found in the third edition. Since she has used UNIX® Shells by Example in the classes she teaches, Susan was able to provide invaluable advice for this new edition. Thank you Susan!

I would also like to thank and acknowledge the following people, without whose help this book would not have been published: Mark Taub, my acquisitions editor; Vanessa Moore, my production editor, the best of the best in her field, whose creativity, energy, and style make the book a nice book; Jim A. Lola (author and Principal Systems and Storage Consultant, Life Sciences Consulting Partners), Mark Halegua, and Lawrence Hargett for reviewing, critiqing, and editing the new material. Finally, I would like to thank all my students for their continued support and feedback. They learned with me how to play the shell game. Without them, this book never would have happened.

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