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Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10283-02 |
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Protection Level
Whenever you create a workflow object in Oracle Workflow Builder, you have the option of protecting the object at a certain level. An object's protection level helps control whether other users can modify the object based on their access levels, by allowing only users with an access level equal to or lower than the object's protection level to modify the object.
Note: The range of access levels allowed to modify the object may be further restricted by the object's customization level.
To set the protection level of an object, display the Access tab of the object's property page and either check or clear the Lock at this Access Level check box. The protection level that you set for an object is dependent on the setting of the Lock at this Access Level check box and on your current access level.
- If you check the Lock at this Access Level check box, the protection level for the object is set to your current access level. Users with an access level higher than your current access level will not be able to modify the object. These users will see a small lock on the workflow object's icon, indicating that the object can be used but not modified. For users with an access level equal to or lower than your current access level, the customization level for the object will determine whether they can modify the object.
- If you do not check the Lock at this Access Level check box, the protection level for the object is set to 1000. In this case all users who are not restricted by the customization level can modify the object.

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