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Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10283-02 |
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To run the Workflow Definitions Loader for the standalone version of Oracle Workflow
2. Run the program from your operating system prompt as follows (replacing <username/password@database> with the username, password and Oracle Net connect string or alias to your database):
- To apply a seed data upgrade to a database from an input file, type:
wfload <username/password@database> <input_file>
By using the default upgrade behavior, the Workflow Definitions Loader assumes the access level of the file's creator (seed data provider) and overwrites any objects protected at a level equal to or above the upgrade file's access level. During an upgrade, the Loader program preserves any customizations made to customizable seed data in the database. <input_file> represents the name and full path of the upgrade file you are loading.
- To upload process definitions from an input file to a database, type:
wfload -u <username/password@database> <input_file>
The upload mode is useful to someone who is developing a workflow process. It allows the developer to save definitions to the database without concern that accidental customizations to existing objects might prevent the upload of some process definition elements. The Workflow Definitions Loader uses the access level specified in the input file. <input_file> represents the name and full path of the input file you want to upload from.
- To force an upload of the process definitions from an input file to a database regardless of an object's protection level, type:
wfload -f <username/password@database> <input_file>
<input_file> represents the name and full path of the input file you want to upload from. When using the force option, you should be certain that the process definition in the file is correct as it overwrites the entire process stored in the database. The force option is useful for fixing data integrity problems in a database with a known, reliable file backup. The force option is also useful for loading .wft files from Oracle Workflow Release 1.0 or 1.0.1, which reflect an older data model.
Note: When using the force option to load a .wft file from Oracle Workflow Release 1.0 or 1.0.1 into a database, you must also complete a manual step once the .wft file is loaded. You must associate the lookup types that you load with an item type. To do this, in the Navigator window of Oracle Workflow Builder, drag the lookup types from the independent Lookup Types branch to a Lookup Types branch associated with an item type.
- To download the process definition of one or more item types from a database to an output file, type:
wfload [-d <date>] <username/password@database>
<output_file> <item_type1> <item_type2> ...<item_typeN>
<output_file> represents the name and full path of the output file you want to write to, and <item_typeN> represents the internal name of each item type you want to download. You can also replace <item_typeN> with '*' to represent all item types (make sure you enclose the asterisk in single quotes). If you specify the -d option with a date (omitting the square brackets), you can download the process definition that was effective at that date. The date must be supplied in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS.
Your output file should have the extension .wft. When you download a process definition, the Loader program sets the output file's access level to be the value stored in the WF_ACCESS_LEVEL environment variable.

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