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Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10283-02 |
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Administration Buttons
The administration buttons appear beneath the detail tab window only when the Workflow Monitor is run in 'ADMIN' mode. Each button allows you to perform a different administrative operation by calling the appropriate Workflow Engine API. The buttons and their behavior are as follows:
- Abort Process--Available only if you select the process title or a process activity. Calls WF_ENGINE.AbortProcess to abort the selected process and cancel any outstanding notifications. Prompts for a result to assign to the process you are about to abort. The process will have a status of Complete, with the result you specify. See: AbortProcess, Oracle Workflow API Reference.
- Suspend Process--Available only if you select the process title or a process activity. Calls WF_ENGINE.SuspendProcess to suspend the selected process so that no further activities can be transitioned to. See: SuspendProcess, Oracle Workflow API Reference.
- Resume Process--Available only if you select a suspended process. Calls WF_ENGINE.ResumeProcess to resume the suspended process to normal execution status. Activities that were transitioned to when the process was suspended are now executed. See: ResumeProcess, Oracle Workflow API Reference.
- Reassign--Available only if you select a notification activity. Calls WF_ENGINE.AssignActivity to reassign a notification activity to a different performer. Prompts for a role name. See: AssignActivity, Oracle Workflow API Reference.
- Expedite--Available if you select the process title, or an activity. Calls WF_ENGINE.HandleError to alter the state of an errored activity, or to undo the selected activity and all other activities following it to rollback part of the process. Prompts you to select Skip, to skip the activity and assign it a specified result, or Retry, to reexecute the activity. See: HandleError, Oracle Workflow API Reference.
- Attribute--Always available so that you can change the value of an item type attribute. The current values appear for each item type attribute. After changing a value, choose OK to apply the change.

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