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Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10283-02 |
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To Review the Notifications List
1. The Notifications List shows for the selected process instance, all the current notifications that have been sent that require a special Result response. In other words, these are the notification activities that allow the process to branch based on the recipient's response.
2. The Notification List summarizes what each notification activity is, who it is assigned to, when it was sent, whether it has been completed, how many days have passed before completion, as well as what its result is.
Note: If the process itself is in an error state, and the cause of the error was from a notification, the result of that notification may appear as a link in the Result column. Choose that link to display the cause of the error.
3. Choose a user link in the Who column if you want to send e-mail to the user that a notification has been assigned to.
Note: You can display a helpful hint about any link on the Notifications List web page by placing your cursor over the link. The hint appears in your web browser's status bar.
4. Choose a notification activity link in the Activity column if you want to view the full definition of a notification activity.
5. If a notification activity is still open and requires a response, and you are logged on with workflow administrator privileges, an icon will appear after the notification activity name in the Activity column. You can click on this icon to go to the Notification Details page where you can directly respond to this notification. When complete your response, choose the browser Back button to return to the Notifications List.
6. Choose Advanced Options to go to the Activities List web page where you can specify advanced criteria to search and display specific activities of interest for the process. See:
To Filter Activities in the Activities List.
7. You can also choose the View Diagram button to display the selected process instance in the Workflow Monitor for a graphical representation of the process status. If you connected to the current web session as a user with Workflow Administrator privileges, the Workflow Monitor displays the process in 'ADMIN' mode, otherwise the process is displayed in 'USER' mode. See:
Workflow Monitor.
Attention: If the process you select is a member of a parent/child process, a parent/child hierarchy list appears on the left hand side. The hierarchy list show links to corresponding parent and child instances of the current process instance. The links invoke the Notifications List on the selected parent or child instance.
See Also
To Filter Activities in the Activities List

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