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Oracle Workflow User's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10285-02 |
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Viewing Workflows in the Status Monitor
When you access the Status Monitor, you can search for the workflows you want to review. You can only search for workflows that you own.
To Search for Workflows in the Status Monitor
1. Use a web browser to navigate to the self-service Status Monitor, using a responsibility and navigation path specified by your system administrator. When you inititally navigate to the Status Monitor, the Workflows page is displayed by default. See:
Oracle Workflow User Navigation Paths.
You can navigate to the self-service Status Monitor from other Oracle Workflow self-service web pages by choosing the Status Monitor tab or selecting the Status Monitor link at the bottom of the page.
2. To locate specific workflows, enter search criteria in the Search region. The main search option is:
- Status - Choose the status of the workflows you want to review, or choose Any Status to display workflows in any status.
- In Process - Workflows that do not have an end date (including errored workflows)
- Complete - Workflows that have an end date
- Error - Workflows that do not have an end date and have at least one errored activity
3. You can also enter additional search criteria to search for workflows by other workflow characteristics. To show the additional options if they are hidden, select the Show More Search Options link. To hide these options if they are shown, select the Hide Search Options link. The additional search criteria are:
- Workflow Started - Choose Today, This Week (last seven days), Last 2 Weeks (last fourteen days), Last 30 Days, Last 60 Days, or Any Time to specify the start date of the workflows you want to review. All the start date ranges include the current date; for example, Last 2 Weeks includes today as well as the previous thirteen days.
- Workflow Type - Select the workflow type you want to review. Select the field's search icon to display a list of values from which to choose. You can search by the workflow type or description. See: Using a List of Values.
- Workflow - Enter the identifier for the workflow you want to review. You can enter a partial value to search for workflows whose identifiers begin with that value.
4. Select the Go button to perform your search.
5. The Results region displays the workflows that match your search criteria. For each workflow, the list displays the status, workflow type, workflow identifier, start date, and completion date.
- Select the Workflow Type, Workflow, or Started column heading to sort the list by that column.
- To view the error details for an errored workflow, select the error icon or the error link in the Status column.
6. You can use the monitor buttons to drill down to additional information for a workflow.
- To review the notifications sent by a workflow, select the workflow and select the Notification History button.
- To view the status diagram for a workflow, select the workflow and select the Status Diagram button.
- To view comments and other information gathered for closed response-required notifications in a workflow, select the workflow and select the Participant Responses button.
See Also
Accessing the Self-Service Monitor
Viewing Notification History
Using a List of Values
Viewing a Status Diagram
Viewing Participant Responses
Viewing Error Information for a Workflow

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