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Oracle Workflow API Reference
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10286-02 |
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To run the Workflow Resource Generator
For the standalone version of Oracle Workflow:
1. The Workflow Resource Generator program is located in the bin subdirectory of the Oracle Home directory structure.
2. Run the program from your operating system prompt as follows:
- To generate a binary resource file from a source file (.msg), type:
wfresgen [-v] -f <resourcefile> <source_file>
Replace <resourcefile> with the full path and name of the resource file you want to generate, and <source_file> with the full path and name of your source file. The optional -v flag causes the program to validate the source file against the binary resource file.
- To upload seed data from a source file (.msg) to the database table WF_RESOURCES, type:
wfresgen [-v] -u <username/password@database>
<lang> <source_file>
Replace <username/password@database> with the username, password and Oracle Net connect string or alias to your database and <source_file> with the full path and name of the source file you want to upload. The optional -v flag causes the program to validate the source file against the database.
Note: To determine the language to load, the Workflow Resource Generator accepts a language parameter. If you do not specify a language parameter, the Workflow Resource Generator defaults to the current setting of the NLS_LANG environment variable.
To set NLS_LANG in UNIX, use the command:
setenv NLS_LANG = 'language_territory.characterset'
For Windows NT, run the regedit32 command and locate the NLS_LANG setting under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ORACLE hierarchy. Double click on NLS_LANG, and then set the variable to the new value and save your work.
For Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications:
The Workflow Resource Generator program is registered as a concurrent program. You can run the Workflow Resource Generator concurrent program from the Submit Requests form or from the command line.
2. To run the concurrent program from the Submit Requests form, navigate to the Submit Requests form.
Note: Your system administrator needs to add this concurrent program to a request security group for the responsibility that you want to run this program from. See: Overview of Concurrent Programs and Requests, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide.
3. Submit the Workflow Resource Generator concurrent program as a request. See: Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide.
4. In the Parameters window, enter values for the following parameters:
Destination Type |
Specify "Database", to upload seed data to the database table WF_RESOURCES from a source file (.msg), or "File", to generate a resource file from a source file. |
Destination |
If you specify "File" for Destination Type, then enter the full path and name of the resource file you wish to generate. If you specify "Database" for Destination Type, then the program automatically uses the current database account as its destination. |
Source |
Specify the full path and name of your source file. |
5. Choose OK to close the Parameters window.
6. When you finish modifying the print and run options for this request, choose Submit to submit the request.
7. Rather than use the Submit Requests form, you can also run the Workflow Resource Generator concurrent program from the command line using one of two commands. To generate a resource file from a source file, type:
WFRESGEN apps/pwd 0 Y FILE res_file source_file
To upload seed data to the database table WF_RESOURCES from a source file, type:
WFRESGEN apps/pwd 0 Y DATABASE source_file
Replace apps/pwd with the username and password to the APPS schema, replace res_file with the file specification of a resource file, and replace source_file with the file specification of a source file (.msg). A file specification is specified as:
<native path>

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