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Oracle Workflow API Reference
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10286-02 |
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Sending Notification Messages
The Send
( ) API or the SendGroup( ) API is called by the Workflow Engine when it encounters a notification activity. These APIs do the following:
- Check that the performer role of the notification activity is valid.
- Identify the notification preference for of the performer role.
- Look up the message attributes for the message.
- If a message attribute is of source SEND, the Send() or SendGroup( ) API retrieves its value from the item type attribute that the message attribute references. If the procedure cannot find an item type attribute, it uses the default value of the message attribute, if available. The Subject and Body of the message may include message attributes of source SEND, which the Send( ) or SendGroup( ) API token replaces with each attribute's current value when creating the notification.
- If a message includes a message attribute of source RESPOND, the Send( ) or SendGroup() API checks to see if it has a default value assigned to it. The procedure then uses these RESPOND attributes to create the default response section of the notification.
- 'Construct' the notification content by inserting relevant information into the Workflow Notification tables.
- Update the notification activity's status to 'NOTIFIED' if a response is required or to 'COMPLETE' if no response is required.
Note: If a notification activity sends a message that is for the performer's information only (FYI), where there are no RESPOND message attributes associated with it, the notification activity gets marked as complete as soon as the Notification System delivers the message.
Note: In the case of a voting activity, the status is updated to 'WAITING' instead of 'NOTIFIED'. See: Special Handling of Voting Activities
- Raise the event. When this event is processed, a notification mailer generates an e-mail version of the notification if the performer role of a notification has a notification preference of MAILTEXT, MAILHTML, MAILHTM2, MAILATTH or SUMMARY, and sends it to the performer. See: Implementing Notification Mailers, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
Users who view their notifications from the Notifications Web page, regardless of their notifications preferences, are simply querying the Workflow Notification tables from this interface.
A notification recipient can perform one of four actions with the notification:
Note: If you are using the Oracle Applications Framework-based version of the Worklist pages available with Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications, you can use the FND: Notification Reassign Mode profile option to determine whether users can reassign notifications by forwarding (also known as delegating) the notifications, transferring the notifications, or both. See: Setting the FND: Notification Reassign Mode Profile Option, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.

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