1.4 Egrep Metacharacters
Let's start to explore some of the egrep metacharacters that supply its regular expression power. I'll go over them quickly with a few examples, leaving the
detailed examples and descriptions for later chapters.
Typographical Conventions Before we begin, please make sure to review the
typographical conventions explained in the
. This book forges
a bit of new ground in the area of typesetting, so some of my notations may be
unfamiliar at first.
1.4.1 Start and End of the Line
Probably the easiest metacharacters to understand are
(caret) and
which represent the start and end, respectively, of the line of text as it is being
checked. As we've seen, the regular expression
finds c·a·t anywhere on the
line, but
matches only if the c·a·t is at the beginning of the linethe
used to effectively anchor the match (of the rest of the regular expression) to the
start of the line. Similarly,
finds c·a·t only at the end of the line, such as a
line ending with scat.
It's best to get into the habit of interpreting regular expressions in a rather literal
way. For example, don't think
matches a line with cat at the beginning
but rather:
matches if you have the beginning of a line, followed immediately
by c, followed immediately by a, followed immediately by t.
They both end up meaning the same thing, but reading it the more literal way
allows you to intrinsically understand a new expression when you see it. How
would egrep interpret
, or even simply
alone? Click here to
check your interpretations.
The caret and dollar are special in that they match a position in the line rather than
any actual text characters themselves. Of course, there are various ways to actually
match real text. Besides providing literal characters like
in your regular
expression, you can also use some of the items discussed in the next few sections.
1.4.2 Character Classes Matching any one of several characters
Let's say you want to search for "grey," but also want to find it if it were spelled
"gray." The regular-expression construct
, usually called a character class, lets
you list the characters you want to allow at that point in the match. While
matches just an e, and
matches just an a, the regular expression
either. So, then, consider
: this means to find " g, followed by r, followed
by either an e or an a, all followed by y ." Because I'm a really poor speller, I'm
always using regular expressions like this against a huge list of English words to
figure out proper spellings. One I use often is
, because I can
never remember whether the word is spelled "seperate," "separate," "separete," or
what. The one that pops up in the list is the proper spelling; regular expressions
to the rescue.
Notice how outside of a class, literal characters (like the
have an implied "and then" between them "match
and then match
. . ." It's
completely opposite inside a character class. The contents of a class is a list of
characters that can match at that point, so the implication is "or."
As another example, maybe you want to allow capitalization of a word's first letter,
such as with
. Remember that this still matches lines that contain smith
(or Smith) embedded within another word, such as with blacksmith. I don't
want to harp on this throughout the overview, but this issue does seem to be the
source of problems among some new users. I'll touch on some ways to handle this
embedded-word problem after we examine a few more metacharacters.
You can list in the class as many characters as you like. For example,
matches any of the listed digits. This particular class might be useful as part of
, which matches <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, etc. This can be useful when searching for HTML headers.
Within a character class, the character-class metacharacter '-' (dash) indicates a
range of characters:
is identical to the previous example.
are common shorthands for classes to match digits and English lowercase
letters, respectively. Multiple ranges are fine, so
be written as
(or, perhaps,
, since the order in which
ranges are given doesn't matter). These last three examples can be useful when
processing hexadecimal numbers. You can freely combine ranges with literal characters:
matches a digit, uppercase letter, underscore, exclamation
point, period, or a question mark.
Note that a dash is a metacharacter only within a character class otherwise it
matches the normal dash character. In fact, it is not even always a metacharacter
within a character class. If it is the first character listed in the class, it can't possibly indicate a range, so it is not considered a metacharacter. Along the same lines, the
question mark and period at the end of the class are usually regular-expression
metacharacters, but only when not within a class (so, to be clear, the only special
characters within the class in
are the two dashes).
Consider character classes as their own mini language. The rules regarding
which metacharacters are supported (and what they do) are completely
different inside and outside of character classes.
We'll see more examples of this shortly. Negated character classes
If you use
instead of
, the class matches any character that isn't listed.
For example,
matches a character that's not
1 through 6. The leading ^ in
the class "negates" the list, so rather than listing the characters you want to include
in the class, you list the characters you don't want to be included.
You might have noticed that the ^ used here is the same as the start-of-line caret
introduced in Section 1.4.1. The character is the same, but the meaning is completely
different. Just as the English word "wind" can mean different things depending on
the context (sometimes a strong breeze, sometimes what you do to a clock), so
can a metacharacter. We've already seen one example, the range-building dash. It
is valid only inside a character class (and at that, only when not first inside the
class). ^ is a line anchor outside a class, but a class metacharacter inside a class
(but, only when it is immediately after the class's opening bracket; otherwise, it's not special inside a class). Don't fear these are the most complex special cases;
others we'll see later aren't so bad.
As another example, let's search that list of English words for odd words that have q followed by something other than u. Translating that into a regular expression, it becomes
. I tried it on the list I have, and there certainly weren't many. I did
find a few, including a number of words that I didn't even know were English.
Here's what happened. (What I typed is in bold.)
% egrep 'q[^u]' word.list
Two notable words not listed are "Qantas", the Australian airline, and "Iraq".
Although both words are in the word.list file, neither were displayed by my egrep
command. Why? Think about it for a bit, and then click here to check your
Remember, a negated character class means "match a character that's not listed"
and not "don't match what is listed." These might seem the same, but the Iraq
example shows the subtle difference. A convenient way to view a negated class is
that it is simply a shorthand for a normal class that includes all possible characters
except those that are listed.
1.4.3 Matching Any Character with Dot
The metacharacter
(usually called dot or point) is a shorthand for a character
class that matches any character. It can be convenient when you want to have an
"any character here" placeholder in your expression. For example, if you want to
search for a date such as 03/19/76, 03-19-76, or even 03.19.76, you could go
to the trouble to construct a regular expression that uses character classes to
explicitly allow '/', '-', or '.' between each number, such as
However, you might also try simply using
Quite a few things are going on with this example that might be unclear at first. In
, the dots are not metacharacters because they are within a
character class. (Remember, the list of metacharacters and their meanings are different inside and outside of character classes.) The dashes are also not class metacharacters
in this case because each is the first thing after [ or [^. Had they not
been first, as with
, it they would be the class range metacharacter, which
would be a mistake in this situation.
, the dots are metacharacters ones that match any character
(including the dash, period, and slash that we are expecting). However, it is
important to know that each dot can match any character at all, so it can match,
say, 'lottery numbers: 19 203319 7639'.
is more precise, but it's more difficult to read and write.
is easy to understand, but vague. Which should we use? It all depends
upon what you know about the data being searched, and just how specific you
feel you need to be. One important, recurring issue has to do with balancing your
knowledge of the text being searched against the need to always be exact when
writing an expression. For example, if you know that with your data it would be highly unlikely for
to match in an unwanted place, it would certainly
be reasonable to use it. Knowing the target text well is an important part of wielding
regular expressions effectively.
1.4.4 Alternation Matching any one of several subexpressions
A very convenient metacharacter is
, which means "or." It allows you to combine
multiple expressions into a single expression that matches any of the individual
ones. For example,
are separate expressions, but
one expression that matches either. When combined this way, the subexpressions
are called alternatives.
Looking back to our
example, it is interesting to realize that it can be
written as
, and even
. The latter case uses parentheses to
constrain the alternation. (For the record, parentheses are metacharacters too.)
Note that something like
is not what we want within a class, the '|'
character is just a normal character, like
, the parentheses are required because without them,
means "
," which is not what we want here. Alternation reaches far, but
not beyond parentheses. Another example is
Actually, since both
end with
, the combination can be shortened to
. That's not necessarily quite as easy to read, but be sure to
understand that
effectively mean the same thing.
Here's an example involving an alternate spelling of my name. Compare and contrast
the following three expressions, which are all effectively the same:
To have them match the British spellings as well, they could be:
Finally, note that these three match effectively the same as the longer (but simpler)
. They're all different ways to specify the
same desired matches.
Although the
examples might blur the distinction, be
careful not to confuse the concept of alternation with that of a character class. A
character class can match just a single character in the target text. With alternation,
since each alternative can be a full-fledged regular expression in and of itself, each alternative can match an arbitrary amount of text. Character classes are almost like
their own special mini-language (with their own ideas about metacharacters, for
example), while alternation is part of the "main" regular expression language.
You'll find both to be extremely useful.
Also, take care when using caret or dollar in an expression that has alternation.
. Both appear
similar to our earlier email example, but what each matches (and therefore how
useful it is) differs greatly. The first is composed of three alternatives, so it matches
," which is not particularly useful. We want the
leading caret and trailing
to apply to each alternative. We can accomplish this
by using parentheses to "constrain" the alternation:
The alternation is constrained by the parentheses, so literally, this regex means
"match the start of the line, then one of
, or
, and then match
." Effectively, it matches:
1) start-of-line, followed by F·r·o·m, followed by ':•'
or 2) start-of-line, followed by S·u·b·j·e·c·t, followed by ':•'
or 3) start-of-line, followed by D·a·t·e, followed by ':•'
Putting it less literally, it matches lines beginning with 'From:•', 'Subject:•', or
'Date:•', which is quite useful for listing the messages in an email file.
Here's an example:
% egrep '^(From|Subject|Date): ' mailbox
From: elvis@tabloid.org (The King)
Subject: be seein' ya around
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 11:04:13
From: The Prez <president@whitehouse.gov>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 8:36:24
Subject: now, about your vote···
1.4.5 Ignoring Differences in Capitalization
This email header example provides a good opportunity to introduce the concept
of a case-insensitive match. The field types in an email header usually appear with
leading capitalization, such as "Subject" and "From," but the email standard actually
allows mixed capitalization, so things like "DATE" and "from" are also allowed.
Unfortunately, the regular expression in the previous section doesn't match those.
One approach is to replace
to match any form of
"from," but this is quite cumbersome, to say the least. Fortunately, there is a way to
tell egrep to ignore case when doing comparisons, i.e., to perform the match in a
case insensitive manner in which capitalization differences are simply ignored. It is not a part of the regular-expression language, but is a related useful feature many
tools provide. egrep's command-line option "-i" tells it to do a case-insensitive
match. Place -i on the command line before the regular expression:
% egrep -i '^(From|Subject|Date): ' mailbox
This brings up all the lines we matched before, but also includes lines such as:
I find myself using the -i option quite frequently (perhaps related to the footnote
in Section 1.7.2!) so I recommend keeping it in mind. We'll see other convenient support
features like this in later chapters.
1.4.6 Word Boundaries
A common problem is that a regular expression that matches the word you want
can often also match where the "word" is embedded within a larger word. I mentioned
this briefly in the cat, gray, and Smith examples. It turns out, though, that
some versions of egrep offer limited support for word recognition: namely the ability
to match the boundary of a word (where a word begins or ends).
You can use the (perhaps odd looking) metasequences
if your version
happens to support them (not all versions of egrep do). You can think of them as
word-based versions of
that match the position at the start and end of a
word, respectively. Like the line anchors caret and dollar, they anchor other parts
of the regular expression but don't actually consume any characters during a
match. The expression
literally means " match if we can find a start-of-word
position, followed immediately by c·a·t, followed immediately by an end-of-word position ." More naturally, it means "find the word cat." If you wanted,
you could use
to find words starting and ending with cat.
Note that
alone are not metacharacters when combined with a backslash,
the sequences become special. This is why I called them "metasequences."
It's their special interpretation that's important, not the number of characters, so
for the most part I use these two meta-words interchangeably.
Remember, not all versions of egrep support these word-boundary metacharacters,
and those that do don't magically understand the English language. The "start of a
word" is simply the position where a sequence of alphanumeric characters begins;
"end of word" is where such a sequence ends. Figure 1-2 shows
a sample line with these positions marked.
The word-starts (as egrep recognizes them) are marked with up arrows, the wordends
with down arrows. As you can see, "start and end of word" is better phrased
as "start and end of an alphanumeric sequence," but perhaps that's too much of a
1.4.7 In a Nutshell
Table 1-1 summarizes the metacharacters we have seen so far.
Table 1. Summary of Metacharacters Seen So Far|
character class
negated character class
any one character
any character listed
any character not listed
backslash less-than
backslash greater-than
the position at the start of the line
the position at the end of the line
the position at the start of a word
the position at the end of a word
or; bar
matches either expression it separates
used to limit scope of
, plus additional uses yet to be discussed
In addition to the table, important points to remember include:
The rules about which characters are and aren't metacharacters (and exactly
what they mean) are different inside a character class. For example, dot is a
metacharacter outside of a class, but not within one. Conversely, a dash is a
metacharacter within a class (usually), but not outside. Moreover, a caret has
one meaning outside, another if specified inside a class immediately after the
opening [, and a third if given elsewhere in the class. Don't confuse alternation with a character class. The class
and the alternation
effectively mean the same thing, but the similarity in this
example does not extend to the general case. A character class can match
exactly one character, and that's true no matter how long or short the speci-
fied list of acceptable characters might be. Alternation, on the other hand, can have arbitrarily long alternatives, each textually
unrelated to the other:
However, alternation can't be negated like a character class. A negated character class is simply a notational convenience for a normal
character class that matches everything not listed. Thus,
doesn't mean
" match unless there is an x ," but rather " match if there is something that is
not x ." The difference is subtle, but important. The first concept matches a
blank line, for example, while
does not. The useful -i option discounts capitalization during a match (see Section 1.4.6).
What we have seen so far can be quite useful, but the real power comes from
optional and counting elements, which we'll look at next.
1.4.8 Optional Items
Let's look at matching color or colour. Since they are the same except that one
has a u and the other doesn't, we can use
to match either. The metacharacter
(question mark) means optional. It is placed after the character that is
allowed to appear at that point in the expression, but whose existence isn't actually
required to still be considered a successful match.
Unlike other metacharacters we have seen so far, the question mark attaches only
to the immediately-preceding item. Thus,
is interpreted as "
. "
part is always successful: sometimes it matches a u in the text, while other
times it doesn't. The whole point of the ?-optional part is that it's successful either
way. This isn't to say that any regular expression that contains ? is always successful.
For example, against 'semicolon', both
are successful (matching
colo and nothing, respectively). However, the final
fails, and that's what disallows
semicolon, in the end, from being matched by
As another example, consider matching a date that represents July fourth, with the
"July" part being either July or Jul, and the "fourth" part being fourth, 4th, or
simply 4. Of course, we could just use
, but let's
explore other ways to express the same thing.
First, we can shorten the
. Do you see how they are effectively
the same? The removal of the | means that the parentheses are no longer
really needed. Leaving the parentheses doesn't hurt, but with them removed,
is a bit less cluttered. This leaves us with
Moving now to the second half, we can simplify the
. As you
can see,
can attach to a parenthesized expression. Inside the parentheses can be
as complex a subexpression as you like, but "from the outside" it is considered a
single unit. Grouping for
(and other similar metacharacters which I'll introduce
momentarily) is one of the main uses of parentheses.
Our expression now looks like
. Although there are a
fair number of metacharacters, and even nested parentheses, it is not that difficult
to decipher and understand. This discussion of two essentially simple examples
has been rather long, but in the meantime we have covered tangential topics that
add a lot, if perhaps only subconsciously, to our understanding of regular expressions.
Also, it's given us some experience in taking different approaches toward
the same goal. As we advance through this book (and through to a better understanding),
you'll find many opportunities for creative juices to flow while trying to
find the optimal way to solve a complex problem. Far from being some stuffy science,
writing regular expressions is closer to an art.
1.4.9 Other Quantifiers: Repetition
Similar to the question mark are
(plus) and
(an asterisk, but as a regularexpr
ession metacharacter, I prefer the term star). The metacharacter
means "one
or more of the immediately-preceding item," and
means "any number, including
none, of the item." Phrased differently,
means "try to match it as many times
as possible, but it's okay to settle for nothing if need be." The construct with plus,
, is similar in that it also tries to match as many times as possible, but different
in that it fails if it can't match at least once. These three metacharacters, question
mark, plus, and star, are called quantifiers because they influence the quantity of
what they govern.
, the
part of a regular expression always succeeds, with the only issue
being what text (if any) is matched. Contrast this to
, which fails unless the
item matches at least once.
For example,
allows a single optional space, but
allows any number of optional spaces. We can use this to make Section 1.4.2's <H[1-6]> example flexible. The HTML specification
says that spaces are allowed immediately before the closing >, such as with <H3•> and <H4•••>. Inserting
into our regular expression where we want to allow (but not require) spaces, we get <H[1-6]•*>. This still matches
<H1>, as no spaces are required, but it also flexibly picks up the other versions.
Exploring further, let's search for an HTML tag such as <HR•SIZE=14>, which indicates
that a line (a Horizontal Rule) 14 pixels thick should be drawn across the
screen. Like the <H3> example, optional spaces are allowed before the closing
angle bracket. Additionally, they are allowed on either side of the equal sign.
Finally, one space is required between the HR and SIZE, although more are
allowed. To allow more, we could just add
to the
already there, but instead
let's change it to
. The plus allows extra spaces while still requiring at least one,
so it's effectively the same as
, but more concise. All these changes leave us
Although flexible with respect to spaces, our expression is still inflexible with
respect to the size given in the tag. Rather than find tags with only one particular
size such as 14, we want to find them all. To accomplish this, we replace the
with an expression to find a general number. Well, in this case, a "number" is one
or more digits. A digit is
, and "one or more" adds a plus, so we end up
. (A character class is one "unit," so can be subject directly
to plus, question mark, and so on, without the need for parentheses.)
This leaves us with
, which is certainly a
mouthful even though I've presented it with the metacharacters bold, added a bit
of spacing to make the groupings more apparent, and am using the "visible space" symbol '•'
for clarity. (Luckily, egrep has the -i case-insensitive option, see Section 1.4.6, which means
I don't have to use
instead of
.) The unadorned regular expression
<HR +SIZE *= *[0-9]+ *>
likely appears even more confusing. This example looks particularly odd because the subjects of most of the stars and pluses are
space characters, and our eye has always been trained to treat spaces specially. That's a habit you will have to break when reading regular expressions, because
the space character is a normal character, no different from, say, j or 4. (In
later chapters, we'll see that some other tools support a special mode in which
whitespace is ignored, but egrep has no such mode.)
Continuing to exploit a good example, let's consider that the size attribute is
optional, so you can simply use <HR> if the default size is wanted. (Extra spaces
are allowed before the >, as always.) How can we modify our regular expression
so that it matches either type? The key is realizing that the size part is optional
(that's a hint). Click here to check your answer.
Take a good look at our latest expression (in the answer box) to appreciate the
differences among the question mark, star, and plus, and what they really mean in
practice. Table 1-2 summarizes their meanings.
Note that each quantifier has some minimum number of matches required to succeed,
and a maximum number of matches that it will ever attempt. With some, the
minimum number is zero; with some, the maximum number is unlimited.
Table 2. Summary of Quantifier "Repetition Metacharacters"|
no limit
no limit
one allowed; none required ("one optional")
unlimited allowed; none required ("any amount okay")
unlimited allowed; one required ("at least one")
| Defined range of matches: intervals
Some versions of egrep support a metasequence for providing your own minimum
and maximum:
. This is called the interval quantifier. For example,
matches up to 12 times if possible, but settles for three. One might use
to match a US stock ticker (from one to five letters). Using this
notation, {0,1} is the same as a question mark.
Not many versions of egrep support this notation yet, but many other tools do, so
it's covered in Chapter 3 when we look in detail at the broad spectrum of metacharacters
in common use today.
1.4.10 Parentheses and Backreferences
So far, we have seen two uses for parentheses: to limit the scope of alternation,
and to group multiple characters into larger units to which you can apply quanti-
fiers like question mark and star. I'd like to discuss another specialized use that's
not common in egrep (although GNU's popular version does support it), but which
is commonly found in many other tools.
In many regular-expression flavors, parentheses can "remember" text matched by
the subexpression they enclose. We'll use this in a partial solution to the doubledword
problem at the beginning of this chapter. If you knew the the specific doubled
word to find (such as "the" earlier in this sentence did you catch it?), you
could search for it explicitly, such as with
. In this case, you would also
find items such as
the•theory, but you could easily get around that problem if
your egrep supports the word-boundary metasequences
mentioned in
Section 1.4.6:
. We could use
for the space for even more flexibility.
However, having to check for every possible pair of words would be an impossible
task. Wouldn't it be nice if we could match one generic word, and then say
"now match the same thing again"? If your egrep supports backreferencing, you
can. Backreferencing is a regular-expression feature that allows you to match new
text that is the same as some text matched earlier in the expression.
We start with
and replace the initial
with a regular expression
to match a general word, say
. Then, for reasons that will become clear
in the next paragraph, let's put parentheses around it. Finally, we replace the second
'the' by the special metasequence
. This yields
With tools that support backreferencing, parentheses "remember" the text that the
subexpression inside them matches, and the special metasequence
that text later in the regular expression, whatever it happens to be at the time.
Of course, you can have more than one set of parentheses in a regular expression.
, etc., to refer to the first, second, third, etc. sets. Pairs of parentheses
are numbered by counting opening parentheses from the left, so with
, the
refers to the text matched by
, and
to the text matched by
With our 'the•the' example,
matches the first 'the'. It is within the
first set of parentheses, so the 'the' matched becomes available via
. If the following
matches, the subsequent
will require another 'the'. If
is successful,
makes sure that we are now at an end-of-word boundary (which we
wouldn't be were the text 'the•theft'). If successful, we've found a repeated
word. It's not always the case that that is an error (such as with "that" in this sentence),
but that's for you to decide once the suspect lines are shown.
When I decided to include this example, I actually tried it on what I had written so
far. (I used a version of egrep that supports both
and backreferencing.) To
make it more useful, so that 'The•the' would also be found, I used the case-insensitive
-i option mentioned in Section 1.4.6.
Here's the command I ran:
% egrep -i '\<([a-z]+) +\1\>' files···
I was surprised to find fourteen sets of mistakenly 'doubled•doubled' words! I
corrected them, and since then have built this type of regular-expression check
into the tools that I use to produce the final output of this book, to ensure none
creep back in.
As useful as this regular expression is, it is important to understand its limitations.
Since egrep considers each line in isolation, it isn't able to find when the ending
word of one line is repeated at the beginning of the next. For this, a more flexible
tool is needed, and we will see some examples in the next chapter.
1.4.11 The Great Escape
One important thing I haven't mentioned yet is how to actually match a character
that a regular expression would normally interpret as a metacharacter. For example,
if I searched for the Internet hostname ega.att.com using
, it
could end up matching something like megawatt•computing. Remember,
is a
metacharacter that matches any character, including a space.
The metasequence to match an actual period is a period preceded by a backslash:
. The sequence
is described as an escaped period or escaped dot, and you can do this with all the normal metacharacters, except in a characterclass.
A backslash used in this way is called an "escape" when a metacharacter is
escaped, it loses its special meaning and becomes a literal character. If you like,
you can consider the sequence to be a special metasequence to match the literal
character. It's all the same.
As another example, you could use
to match a word within
parentheses, such as '(very)'. The backslashes in the
remove the special interpretation of the parentheses, leaving them as literals to
match parentheses in the text.
When used before a non-metacharacter, a backslash can have different meanings
depending upon the version of the program. For example, we have already seen
how some versions treat
, etc. as metasequences. We will see many
more examples in later chapters.