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6.9 Quize Answers

6.9.1 Effects of a Simple Change

figs/bullet.jpg Answers to the questions in Section 6.1.1.

Effect for which type of engine? The change has virtually no effect whatsoever for a POSIX NFA engine. Since it must eventually try every permutation of the regex anyway, the order in which the alternatives are tried is irrelevant. For a Traditional NFA, however, ordering the alternatives in such a way that quickly leads to a match is a benefit because the engine stops once the first match is found.

Effect during which kind of result? The change results in a faster match only when there is a match. An NFA can fail only after trying all possible permutations of the match (and again, the POSIX NFA tries them all anyway). So if indeed it ends up failing, every permutation must have been attempted, so the order does not matter.

The following table shows the number of tests ("tests") and backtracks ("b.t.") for several cases (smaller numbers are better):

  Traditional NFA





Sample string tests b.t. tests b.t. tests b.t.

"2\"x3\" likeness"




"very...99 more chars...long"


"No \"match\" here


As you can see, the POSIX NFA results are the same with both expressions, while the Traditional NFA's performance increases (backtracks decrease) with the new expression. Indeed, in a non-match situation (the last example in the table), since both engine types must evaluate all possible permutations, all results are the same.

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