@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- aggregate name, definition
- ALLOCATE statement
- allocating cursor variables
- arrays
- automatic logons
- BEGLABEL, obsolete in 1.6 and later releases
- bind descriptor
- bind SQLDA
- C array in SQLDA
- case-sensitivity
- character host variables
- CLOSE statement
- coding area [2]
- coding conventions
- comments
- COMMON blocks
- COMMON statement
- COMPLEX datatype
- composite type
- concurrent logons
- CONNECT statement
- connecting to Oracle
- constants, defining
- continuation lines, syntax [2]
- CONTINUE action (WHENEVER statement)
- Conventions, description of
- cursor cache, purpose
- cursor variables
- DATA statement, initializing host variables
- datatype equivalencing, example
- datatypes
- DECLARE CURSOR statement, in dynamic SQL Method 4
- declare section
- declaring
- default
- DESCRIBE BIND VARIABLES statement, in dynamic SQL Method 4
- DESCRIBE SELECT LIST statement, in dynamic SQL Method 4
- descriptors
- DIMENSION statement, invalid usage
- dimensioning host arrays
- directory path, INCLUDE files
- DO action (WHENEVER statement)
- dynamic SQL Method 4
- embedded PL/SQL
- embedded SQL statements
- ENDLABEL, obsolete in 1.6 and later releases
- equivalencing datatypes, description
- error conditions, cursor variable
- error handling
- error message text, SQLGLM function
- error messages, maximum length
- error reporting
- EXEC SQL clause
- explicit logons, multiple
- external datatypes
- F variable in SQLDA
- FETCH statement
- filenames
- flags
- FOR clause, in dynamic SQL Method 4
- FORTRAN datatypes, supported by Oracle
- GOTO action (WHENEVER statement)
- heap memory, allocating cursor variables
- host arrays
- host variables
- I array in SQLDA
- implicit declaration
- INCLUDE statement
- INCLUDEd files, with case-sensitive operating systems
- indicator arrays
- indicator variables
- internal datatypes
- IS NULL operator, for testing null values
- L array in SQLDA
- LEN intrinsic function
- loggin on, automatically
- logging on, connecting to Oracle
- logical operators
- M array in SQLDA
- MAXLITERAL option [2]
- message text
- MODE option
- multidimensional arrays, invalid use of
- N variable in SQLDA
- naming
- NOT FOUND condition (WHENEVER statement)
- Notation, rules for
- nulls
- NUMBER datatype, SQLPRC subroutine
- NVL function, for retrieving null values
- obsolete precompiler features
- OPEN statement, in dynamic SQL Method 4
- opening a cursor variable
- operators, logical and relational
- Oracle Communications Area, ORACA
- PARAMETER statement, defining constants
- parse error offset
- password
- precision
- precompiler options, ASSUME_SQLCODE [2]
- PREPARE statement, in dynamic SQL Method 4
- program unit
- programming guidelines
- reference cursor
- referencing
- relational operators
- restrictions
- rows-processed count
- S array in SQLDA
- sample programs
- scalar type
- scale
- scope
- select descriptor
- select SQLDA, purpose of
- select-list items, naming
- SQL Descriptor Area
- SQL*Net, for concurrent logons
- SQLADR subroutine
- SQLCA status variable
- SQLCHECK option
- SQLCOD status variable
- SQLEMC variable
- SQLERD(3) variable
- SQLERROR condition (WHENEVER statement)
- SQLGLM function
- SQLNUL subroutine
- SQLPR2 subroutine
- SQLPRC subroutine
- SQLSTA status variable
- SQLWARNING condition (WHENEVER statement)
- statement labels
- status codes for error reporting
- STOP action (WHENEVER statement)
- stored procedure, opening a cursor [2]
- string literals
- subroutines, declare section in
- syntax
- T array in SQLDA
- terminal format [2]
- terminator for embedded SQL statements
- truncated values, indicator variables
- Trusted Oracle7
- username
- V array in SQLDA
- VAR statement, syntax
- VARCHAR variables
- warning flags for error reporting
- WHENEVER statement
- X array in SQLDA
- Y array in SQLDA
- Z array in SQLDA