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7.2 Perl's Regex Flavor

Table 7-2 below summarizes Perl's regex flavor. It used to be that Perl had many metacharacters that no other system supported, but over the years, other systems have adopted many of Perl's innovations. These common features are covered by the overview in Chapter 3, but there are a few Perl-specific items discussed later in this chapter. (Table 7-2 has references to where each item is discussed.)

The following notes supplement the table:

  • figs/boxdr.jpg\bfigs/boxul.jpg matches a backspace only in class; otherwise, it's a word boundary.

  • Octal escapes accept two- and three-digit numbers.

  • The figs/boxdr.jpg\x num figs/boxul.jpg hex escape accepts two-digit numbers (and one-digit numbers, but with a warning if warnings are turned on). The figs/boxdr.jpg\x{ num }figs/boxul.jpg syntax accepts a hexadecimal number of any length.

Table 2. Overview of Perl's Regular-Expression Flavor

Character Shorthands

See Section 3.4.1(c)

\a \b \e \f \n \r \t \ octal \x hex \x{ hex } \c char

Character Classes and Class-Like Constructs

See Section 3.4.2 Classes: [···] [^···] (may contain POSIX-like [:alpha:] notation)
See Section Any character except newline: dot (with /s, any character at all)
See Section 7.8.1 Forced match of single byte (can be dangerous): \C
See Section Unicode combining sequence: \X
See Section Class shorthands: \w \d \s \W \D \S
See Section Unicode properties, scripts, and blocks: \p{ Prop } \P{ Prop }

Anchors and other Zero-Width Tests

See Section Start of line/string: ^ \A
See Section End of line/string: $ \z \Z
See Section End of previous match: \G
See Section Word boundary: \b \B
See Section Lookaround: (?=···) (?!···) (?<=···) (?<!···)

Comments and Mode Modifiers

See Section Mode modifiers: (? mods - mods ) Modifiers allowed: x s m i (see Section 7.2.3)
See Section Mode-modified spans: (? mods - mods :···)
See Section Comments: (?# ···) # ··· (from '#' until newline, or end of regex)

Grouping, Capturing, Conditional, and Control

See Section Capturing parentheses: (···) \1 \2 . . .
See Section Grouping-only parentheses: (?:···)
See Section Atomic grouping: (?>···)
See Section Alternation: |
See Section Greedy quantifiers: * + ? {n} {n,} {x,y}
See Section Lazy quantifiers: *? +? ?? {n}? {n,}? {x,y}?
See Section Conditional: (? if then | else ) - "if" can be embedded code, lookaround, or ( num )
See Section 7.8 Embedded code: (?{···})
See Section 7.8 Dynamic regex: (??{···})

In Regex Literals Only

See Section interpolation: $ name @ name
See Section Fold next character's case: \l \u
See Section Case-folding span: \U \L . . . \E
See Section Literal-text span: \Q . . . \E
See Section Named Unicode character: \N{ name } - optional; see Section

(c) - may be used within a character class

  • Perl's Unicode support is for Unicode Version 3.2.

  • dot treats Unicode combining characters as separate characters (see Section Also see figs/boxdr.jpg\Xfigs/boxul.jpg (see Section

  • figs/boxdr.jpg\wfigs/boxul.jpg , figs/boxdr.jpg\dfigs/boxul.jpg , and figs/boxdr.jpg\sfigs/boxul.jpg fully support Unicode.

  • Perl's figs/boxdr.jpg\sfigs/boxul.jpg does not match an ASCII vertical tab character (see Section 3.4.1).

  • Unicode Scripts are supported. Script and property names may have the 'Is' prefix, but they don't require it (see Section Block names may have the 'In' pre-fix, but require it only when a block name conflicts with a script name.

    The figs/boxdr.jpg\p{L&}figs/boxul.jpg pseudo-property is supported, as well as figs/boxdr.jpg\p{Any}figs/boxul.jpg , figs/boxdr.jpg\p{All}figs/boxul.jpg , figs/boxdr.jpg\p{Assigned}figs/boxul.jpg , and figs/boxdr.jpg\p{UNASSIGNEDfigs/boxul.jpg .

    The long property names like figs/boxdr.jpg\p{Letter}figs/boxul.jpg are supported. Names may have a space, underscore, or nothing between the word parts of a name (for example figs/boxdr.jpg\p{Lowercase_Letter}figs/boxul.jpg may also be written as figs/boxdr.jpg\p{LowercaseLetter}figs/boxul.jpg or figs/boxdr.jpg\p{Lowercase•Letter}figs/boxul.jpg .) For consistency, I recommend using the long names as shown in the table in Section

  • figs/boxdr.jpg\p{^···}figs/boxul.jpg is the same as figs/boxdr.jpg\P{···}figs/boxul.jpg .

  • Word boundaries fully support Unicode.

  • Lookaround may have capturing parentheses.

  • Lookbehind is limited to subexpressions that always match fixed-width text.

  • The /x modifier recognizes only ASCII whitespace. The /m modifier affects only newlines, and not the full list of Unicode line terminators.

Not all metacharacters are created equal. Some "regex metacharacters" are not even supported by the regex engine, but by the preprocessing Perl gives to regex literals.

7.2.1 Regex Operands and Regex Literals

The final items in Table 7-1 are marked "regex literals only." A regex literal is the "regex " part of m/ regex/, and while casual conversation refers to that as "the regular expression," the part between the '/' delimiters is actually parsed using its own unique rules. In Perl jargon, a regex literal is treated as a "regex-aware doublequoted string," and it's the result of that processing that's passed to the regex engine. This regex-literal processing offers special functionality in building the regular expression.

For example, a regex literal offers variable interpolation. If the variable $num contains 20, the code m/:.{$num}:/ produces the regex figs/boxdr.jpg:.{20}:figs/boxul.jpg . This way, you can build regular expressions on the fly. Another service given to regex literals is automatic case folding, as with \U···\E to ensure letters are uppercased. As a silly example, m/abc\Uxyz\E/ creates the regex figs/boxdr.jpgabcXYZfigs/boxul.jpg . This example is silly because if someone wanted figs/boxdr.jpgabcXYZfigs/boxul.jpg they could just type m/abcXYZ/ directly, but its value becomes apparent when combined with variable interpolation: if the variable $tag contains the string "title", the code m{</\U$tag\E>} produces figs/boxdr.jpg</TITLE>figs/boxul.jpg .

What's the opposite of a regex literal? You can also use a string (or any expression) as a regex operand. For example:

$MatchField = "^Subject:"; # Normal string assignment




if ($text =~ $MatchField) {




When $MatchField is used as an operand of =~, its contents are interpreted as a regular expression. That "interpretation" is as a plain vanilla regex, so variable interpolation and things like \Q···\E are not supported as they would be for a regex literal.

Here's something interesting: if you replace

     $text =~ $MatchField


     $text =~ m/$MatchField/

the result is exactly the same. In this case, there's a regex literal, but it's composed of just one thing—the interpolation of the variable $MatchField. The contents of a variable interpolated by a regex literal are not treated as a regex literal, and so things like \U···\E and $ var within the value interpolated are not recognized. (Details on exactly how regex literals are processed are covered in Section 7.2.2.)

If used more than once during the execution of a program, there are important efficiency issues with regex operands that are raw strings, or that use variable interpolation. These are discussed starting in Section 7.9.1. Features supported by regex literals

The following features are offered by regex literals:

  • Variable Interpolation Variable references beginning with $ and @ are interpolated into the value to use for the regex. Those beginning with $ insert a simple scalar value. Those beginning with @ insert an array or array slice into the value, with elements separated by spaces (actually, by the contents of the $" variable, which defaults to a space).

    In Perl, '%' introduces a hash variable, but inserting a hash into a string doesn't make much sense, so interpolation via % is not supported.

  • Named Unicode Characters If you have " use charnames ':full'; " in the program, you can refer to Unicode characters by name using the \N{ name } sequence. For instance, \N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S} matches "ß". The list of Unicode characters that Perl understands can be found in Perl's unicore directory, in the file UnicodeData.txt. This snippet shows the file's location:

         use Config;
         print "$Config{privlib}/unicore/UnicodeData.txt\n";

    It's easy to forget " use charnames ':full'; ", or the colon before 'full', but if you do, \N{···} won't work. Also, \N{···} doesn't work if you use regex overloading, described later in this list.

  • Case-Folding Prefix The special sequences \l and \u cause the character that follows to be made lowercase and uppercase, respectively. This is usually used just before variable interpolation to force the case on the first character brought in from the variable. For example, if the variable $title contains "mr.", the code m/···\u$title···/ creates the regex figs/boxdr.jpg···Mr.···figs/boxul.jpg . The same functionality is provided by the Perl functions lcfirst() and ucfirst().

  • Case-Folding Span The special sequences \L and \U cause characters that follow to be made lowercase and uppercase, respectively, until the end of the regex literal, or until the special sequence \E . For example, with the same $title as before, the code m/···\U$title\E···/ creates the regex figs/boxdr.jpg···MR.···figs/boxul.jpg . The same functionality is provided by the Perl functions lc() and uc().

    You can combine a case-folding prefix with a case-folding span: the code m/···\L\u$title\E···/ ensures figs/boxdr.jpg···Mr.···figs/boxul.jpg regardless of the original capitalization.

  • Literal-Text Span The sequence \Q "quotes" regex metacharacters (i.e., puts a backslash in front of them) until the end of the string, or until a \E sequence. It quotes regex metacharacters, but not quote regex-literal items like variable interpolation, \U , and, of course, the \E itself. Oddly, it also does not quote backslashes that are part of an unknown sequence, such as in \F or \&. Even with \Q···\E, such sequences still produce "unrecognized escape" warnings.

    In practice, these restrictions are not that big a drawback, as \Q···\E is normally used to quote interpolated text, where it properly quotes all metacharacters. For example, if $title contains "Mr.", the code m/···\Q$title\E···/ creates the regex figs/boxdr.jpg ···Mr\.···figs/boxul.jpg , which is what you'd want if you wanted to match the text in $title, rather than the regex in $title.

    This is particularly useful if you want to incorporate user input into a regex. For example, m/\Q$UserInput\E/i does a case-insensitive search for the characters (as a string, not a regex) in $UserInput.

    The \Q···\E functionality is also provided by the Perl function quotemeta().

  • Overloading You can pre-process the literal parts of a regex literal in any way you like with overloading. It's an interesting concept, but one with severe limitations as currently implemented. Overloading is covered in detail, starting in Section 7.8.6. Picking your own regex delimiters

One of the most bizarre (yet, most useful) aspects of Perl's syntax is that you can pick your own delimiters for regex literals. The traditional delimiter is a forward slash, as with m/···/, s/···/···/, and qr/···/, but you can actually pick any nonalphanumeric, non-whitespace character. Some commonly used examples include:

     m!···! m{···}

     m,···, m<···>

     s|···|···| m[···]

     qr#···# m(···)

The four on the right are among the special-case delimiters:

  • The four examples on the right side of the list above have different opening and closing delimiters, and may be nested (that is, may contain copies of the delimiters so long as the opens and closes pair up properly). Because parentheses and square brackets are so prevalent in regular expressions, m(···) and m[···] are probably not as appealing as the others. In particular, with the /x modifier, something such as the following becomes possible:

             regex # comments
             here  # here

    If one of these pairs is used for the regex part of a substitute, another pair (the same as the first, or, if you like, different) is used for the replacement string. Examples include:


    If this is done, you can put whitespace and comments between the two pairs of delimiters. More on the substitution operator's replacement string operand can be found in Section 7.6.1.

  • For the match operator only, a question mark as a delimiter has a little-used special meaning (suppress additional matches) discussed in the section on the match operator (see Section 7.5.2).

  • As mentioned in Section 7.2.1, a regex literal is parsed like to a "regex-aware double-quoted string." If a single quote is used as the delimiter, however, those features are inhibited. With m'···', variables are not interpolated, and the constructs that modify text on the fly (e.g., \Q···\E) do not work, nor does the \N{···} construct. m'···' might be convenient for a regex that has many @, to save having to escape them.

For the match operator only, the m may be omitted if the delimiter is a slash or a question mark. That is,

     $text =~ m/···/;

     $text =~ /···/;

are the same. My preference is to always explicitly use the m.

7.2.2 How Regex Literals Are Parsed

For the most part, one "just uses" the regex-literal features just discussed, without the need to understand the exact details of how Perl converts them to a raw regular expression. Perl is very good at being intuitive in this respect, but there are times when a more detailed understanding can help. The following lists the order in which processing appears to happen:

  1. The closing delimiter is found, and the modifiers (such as /i, etc.) are read. The rest of the processing then knows if it's in /x mode.

  2. Variables are interpolated.

  3. If regex overloading is in effect, each part of the literal is given to the overload routine for processing. Parts are separated by interpolated variables; the values interpolated are not made available to overloading.

    If regex overloading is not in effect, \N{···} sequences are processed.

  4. Case-folding constructs (e.g., \Q···\E) are applied.

  5. The result is presented to the regex engine.

This describes how the processing appears to the programmer, but in reality, the internal processing done by Perl is quite complicated. Even step #2 must understand the regular-expression metacharacters, so as not to, for example, treat the underlined portion of figs/boxdr.jpgthis$| that$figs/boxul.jpg as a variable reference.

7.2.3 Regex Modifiers

Perl's regex operands allow regex modifiers, placed after the closing delimiter of the regex literal (like the i in m/···/i , s/···/···/i , or qr/···/i ). There are five core modifiers that all regex operands support, shown in Table 7-3.

The first four, described in Chapter 3, can also be used within a regex itself as a mode-modifier (see Section or mode-modified span (see Section When used both within the regex, and as part of one of the match operators, the in-regex versions take precedence for the part of the regex they control. (Another way to look at it is that once a modifier has been applied to some part of a regex, nothing can "unmodify" that part of a regex.)

Table 3. The Core Modifiers Available to All Regex Operators
/i see Section Ignore letter case during match
/x see Section Free-spacing and comments regex mode
/s see Section Dot-matches-all match mode
/m see Section Enhanced line anchor match mode
/o see Section 7.9.2 Compile only once

The fifth core modifier, /o, has mostly to do with efficiency. It is discussed later in this chapter, starting in Section 7.9.2.

If you need more than one modifier, group the letters together and place them in any order after the closing delimiter, whatever it might be.[3] Keep in mind that the slash is not part of the modifier—you can write m/<title>/i as m|<title>|i, or perhaps m{<title>}i , or even m<<title>>i . Nevertheless, when discussing modifiers, it's common to always write them with a slash, e.g., "the /i modifier."

[3] Because modifiers can appear in any order, a large portion of a programmer's time is spent adjusting the order to achieve maximum cuteness. For example, learn/by/osmosis is valid code (assuming you have a function called learn). The osmosis are the modifiers. Repeating modifiers is allowed, but meaningless (except for the substitution-operator's /e modifier, discussed later).

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