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7.8 Fun with Perl Enhancements

Many regular-expression concepts that are now available in other languages were first made available only in Perl. Examples include non-capturing parentheses, lookahead, (and later, lookbehind), free-spacing mode, (most modes, actually — and with them comes figs/boxdr.jpg\Afigs/boxul.jpg , figs/boxdr.jpg\zfigs/boxul.jpg , and figs/boxdr.jpg\Zfigs/boxul.jpg ), atomic grouping, figs/boxdr.jpg\Gfigs/boxul.jpg , and the conditional construct. However, these are no longer Perl specific, so they are all covered in the main chapters of this book.

Still, Perl developers remain innovative, so there are some major concepts available at this time only in Perl. One of the most interesting is the ability to execute arbitrary code during the match attempt. Perl has long featured strong integration of regular expressions into code, but this brings integration to a whole new level.

We'll continue with a short overview about this and other innovations available currently only in Perl, followed by the details.

The dynamic regex construct figs/boxdr.jpg(??{ perl code })figs/boxul.jpg

Each time this construct is reached during the application of the regex in which it's found, the perl code is executed. The result of that execution (either a regex object or a string that's then interpreted as a regex) is applied right then, as part of the current match.

This simple example figs/boxdr.jpg^(\d) (??{ "X{$1}" }) $figs/boxul.jpg is shown with the dynamic regex construct underlined. Overall, this regex matches a number at the beginning of the line, followed by exactly that many 'X' until the end of the line. It matches '3XXX' and '12XXXXXXXXXXXX', for example, but not '3X' or '7XXXX'. If we trace though the '3XXX' example, the leading figs/boxdr.jpg(\d+)figs/boxul.jpg part matches '3XXX', setting $1 to '3'. The regex engine then reaches the dynamic regex construct, which executes the code "X{$1}", resulting in the value 'X{3}'. This is then interpreted as figs/boxdr.jpgX{3}figs/boxul.jpg , and applied as part of the current regex (matching the '3XXX'). Once that's done, the trailing figs/boxdr.jpg$figs/boxul.jpg then matches at '3XXX', resulting in an overall match.

As we'll see in the examples that follow, a dynamic regex is particularly useful for matching arbitrarily nested constructs.

The embedded-code construct figs/boxdr.jpg (?{ arbitrary perl code }) figs/boxul.jpg

Like the dynamic regex construct, this construct also executes the Perl code each time it's reached during the application of a regex, but this construct is more general in that the code doesn't need to return any specific result. Usually, the return value is not even used. (But in case it is needed later in the same regex, the return value is available in the $^R variable see Section 7.3.3).

There's one case where the value produced by the code is used: when an embedded-code construct is used as the if of an figs/boxdr.jpg (? if then | else ) figs/boxul.jpg conditional (see Section In this case, the result is interpreted as a Boolean value, upon which either the then or else part will be applied.

Embedded code can be used for many things, but it's particularly useful for debugging. Here's a simple example that displays a message every time the regex is actually applied, with the embedded-code construct underlined:

"have a nice day" =~ m{

    (?{ print "Starting match.\n" })

     \b(?: the | an | a )\b


The regex matches fully just once in this test, but the message is shown six times, reflecting that the regex was at least partially applied by the transmission at the five character positions prior to the sixth time, at which point it matches fully.

Regex-literal overloading

Regex-literal overloading lets you add your own custom pre-processing of regex literals, before they're given to the regex engine. You can use this to effectively add features to Perl's regex flavor. For example, Perl doesn't have separate start-of-word and end-of-word metacharacters (it has a catch-all \b word boundary), but you might want to have it recognize \< and \>, converting these constructs behind the scenes to ones Perl does know.

Regex overloading has some important limitations that severely restrict its usefulness. We'll look at this, as well as examples like the \< and \> idea, later in this section.

Force match of single byte

One other feature I should mention in this list is that the figs/boxdr.jpg\Cfigs/boxul.jpg metacharacter matches one byte, even if that byte is just one of several that might encode a single character. This is dangerous—its misuse can cause internal errors, so it shouldn't be used unless you really know what you're doing. I can't think of a good use for it, so I won't mention it further.

When working with Perl code embedded within a regex (either in a dynamic regex construct or an embedded-code construct), it's best to use only global variables until you understand the important issue related to my variables discussed starting in Section 7.8.4.

7.8.1 Using a Dynamic Regex to Match Nested Pairs

A dynamic regex's main use is to allow a regex to match arbitrarily nested constructs (something long thought to be impossible with regular expressions). Its quintessential example is to match content with arbitrarily nested parentheses. To see how a dynamic regex is useful for this, let's first look at why it's not possible with traditional constructs.

This simple regex matches a parenthesized run of text: figs/boxdr.jpg\(([^()])*\)figs/boxul.jpg . It doesn't allow parentheses within the outer parentheses, so it doesn't allow any nesting (that is, it supports zero levels of nesting). We can put it into a regex object and use it like this:

     my $Level0 = qr/ \( ( [^()] )* \) /x; # Parenthesized text




     if ($text =~ m/\b( \w+$Level0 )/x) {

        print "found function call: $1\n";


This would match "substr($str, 0, 3)", but not "substr($str, 0, (3+2))" because it has nested parentheses. Let's expand our regex to handle it. That means accommodating one level of nesting.

Allowing one level of nesting means allowing parenthesized text within the outer parentheses. So, we need to expand on the subexpression that matches between them, which is currently figs/boxdr.jpg[^()]figs/boxul.jpg , by adding a subexpression that matches parenthesized text. Well, we just created that: $Level0 holds such a regex. Using it, we can create the next level:

     my $Level0 = qr/ \( ( [^()]          )* \) /x; # Parenthesized text

     my $Level1 = qr/ \( ( [^()]| $Level0 )* \) /x; # One level of nesting

The $Level0 here is the same as before; what's new is its use in building $Level1, which matches its own set of parentheses, plus those of $Level0. That's one level of nesting.

To match another level, we can use the same approach, creating a $Level2 that uses $Level1 (which still uses $Level0):

     my $Level0 = qr/ \( ( [^()]           )* \) /x; # Parenthesized text

     my $Level1 = qr/ \( ( [^()] | $Level0 )* \) /x; # One level of nesting

     my $Level2 = qr/ \( ( [^()] | $Level1 )* \) /x; # Two levels of nesting

We can continue this indefinitely:

     my $Level3 = qr/ \( ( [^()] | $Level2 )* \) /x; # Three levels of nesting

     my $Level4 = qr/ \( ( [^()] | $Level3 )* \) /x; # Four levels of nesting

     my $Level5 = qr/ \( ( [^()] | $Level4 )* \) /x; # Five levels of nesting




Figure 7-1 shows the first few levels graphically.

Figure 1. Capturing parentheses

It's interesting to see the result of all those levels. Here's what $Level3 boils down to:


Wow, that's ugly.

Luckily, we don't have to interpret it directly (that's the regex engine's job). The approach with the Level variables is easy enough to work with, but its drawback is that nesting is limited to however many $Level variables we build. This approach doesn't allow us to match to an arbitrary level. (Murphy's Law being what it is, if we happen to pick X levels to support, we'll run into data with X + 1 levels of nesting.)

Luckily, we can use a dynamic regex to handle nesting to an arbitrary level. To get there, realize that each of the $Level variables beyond the first is constructed identically: when it needs to match an addition level of nesting, it includes the $Level variable below it. But if the $Level variables are all the same, it could just as well include the $Level above it. In fact, if they're all the same, it could just include itself. If it could somehow include itself when it wanted to match another level of nesting, it would recursively handle any level of nesting.

And that's just what we can do with a dynamic regex. If we create a regex object comparable to one of the $Level variables, we can refer to it from within a dynamic regex. (A dynamic-regex construct can contain arbitrary Perl code, so long as its results can be interpreted as a regular expression; Perl code that merely returns a pre-existing regex object certainly fits the bill.) If we put our $Level-like regex object into $LevelN, we can refer to it with figs/boxdr.jpg(??{ $LevelN })figs/boxul.jpg , like this:

     my $LevelN; # This must be predeclared because it's used in its own definition.

     $LevelN = qr/ \(( [^()] | (??{ $LevelN }) )* \) /x;

This matches arbitrarily nested parenthesized text, and can be used just like $Level0 was used earlier:

     if ($text =~ m/\b( \w+$LevelN )/x) {

        print "found function call: $1\n";


Phew! It's not necessarily easy to wrap one's brain around this, but once it "clicks," it's a valuable tool.

Now that we have the basic approach worked out, I'd like to make a few tweaks for efficiency's sake. I'll replace the capturing parentheses with atomic grouping (there's no need to capture, nor to backtrack), and once that's done, I can change figs/boxdr.jpg[^()]figs/boxul.jpg to figs/boxdr.jpg[^()]+figs/boxul.jpg for added efficiency. (Don't make this change without using atomic grouping, or you'll set yourself up for a neverending match see Section 6.1.4.)

Finally, I'd like to move the figs/boxdr.jpg\(figs/boxul.jpg and figs/boxdr.jpg\)figs/boxul.jpg so that they directly surround the dynamic regex. This way, the dynamic regex construct isn't invoked by the engine until it's sure that there's something for it to match. Here's the revised version:

     $LevelN = qr/ (?> [^()]+ | \( (??{ $LevelN }) \) )* /x;

Since this no longer has outer figs/boxdr.jpg\(···\)figs/boxul.jpg , we need to include them ourselves when invoking $LevelN.

As a side effect of that, we have the flexibility to apply it where there may be sets of parentheses, not just where there are sets of parentheses:

     if ($text =~ m/\b( \w+ \( $LevelN \) )/x) {

        print "found function call: $1\n";



     if (not $text =~ m/^ $LevelN $/x) {

        print "mismatched parentheses!\n";


You can see another example of $LevelN in action in Section;

7.8.2 Using the Embedded-Code Construct

The embedded-code construct is particularly useful for regex debugging, and for accumulating information about a match while it's happening. The next few sections walk through a series of examples that eventually lead to a method for mimicking POSIX match semantics. The journey there is perhaps more interesting than the actual destination (unless you need POSIX match semantics, of course) because of the useful techniques and insight we gain along the way.

We'll start with some simple regex debugging techniques. Using embedded code to display match-time information

This code:

     "abcdefgh" =~ m{

        (?{ print "starting match at [$'|$']\n" })




     starting match at [|abcdefgh]

     starting match at [a|bcdefgh]

     starting match at [ab|cdefgh]

     starting match at [abc|defgh]

The embedded-code construct is the first thing in the regex, and so executes

     print "starting match at [$'|$']\n"

whenever the regex starts a new match attempt. The displayed string uses the $' and $' variables (see Section 7.3.3) [9] to print the target text being matched, with '|' inserted to mark the current location in the match (which in this case is where the match attempt is starting). From the result, you can tell that the regex was applied four times by the transmission (see Section 4.2.2) before it was successful.

[9] Normally, I recommend against using the special match variables $', $&, and $', as they can inflict a major efficiency penalty on the entire program (see Section, but they're fine for temporary debugging.

In fact, if we were to add

     (?{ print "matched at [$'<$&>$']\n" })

just before the end of the regex, it would show the match:

     matched at [abc<d>efgh]

Now, compare the first example with the following, which is identical except that the "main" regex is now figs/boxdr.jpg[def]figs/boxul.jpg rather than figs/boxdr.jpg(?:d|e|f)figs/boxul.jpg :

     "abcdefgh" =~ m{

        (?{ print "starting match at [$'|$']\n" })



In theory, the results should be identical, yet this produces only:

     starting match at [abc|defgh]

Why the difference? Perl is smart enough to apply the initial class discrimination optimization (see Section to the regex with figs/boxdr.jpg[def]figs/boxul.jpg , thereby allowing the transmission to bypass attempts it felt were obviously destined to fail. As it turns out, it was able to bypass all attempts except the one that resulted in a match, and the embedded-code construct allows us to see that happen.

panic: top_env

If you're working with embedded code or a dynamic regex, and your program suddenly ends with an unceremonial

     panic: top_env

it is likely due to a syntax error in the code part of the regex. Perl currently doesn't handle certain kinds of broken syntax well, and the panic is the result. The solution, of course, is to correct the syntax. Using embedded code to see all matches

Perl has a Traditional NFA engine, so it stops the moment a match is found, even though there may be additional possible matches. With the clever use of embedded code, we can trick Perl into showing us all possible matches. To see how, let's revisit the silly 'oneself' example from Section 4.6.1:

     "oneselfsufficient" =~ m{


        (?{ print "matched at [$'<$&>$']\n" })


As might be expected, this displays

     matched at [<oneself>sufficient]

indicating that ' oneselfsufficient' had been matched at that point in the regex.

It's important to realize that despite the "matched" in the message, the print is not actually showing "the match," but rather the match to that point. The distinction is academic with this example because the embedded-code construct is the last thing in the regex. We know that the regex does indeed finish the moment the embedded-code construct has finished, reporting that same result as the actual match.

What if we added figs/boxdr.jpg(?!)figs/boxul.jpg just after the embedded-code construct? figs/boxdr.jpg(?!)figs/boxul.jpg is a negative lookahead that always fails. When it fails just after the embedded code is processed (just after a "matched" message is printed), it forces the engine to backtrack in search of a (new) match. The failure is forced after every "match" is printed, so we end up exploring every path to a match, and thus see all possible matches:

     matched at [<oneself>sufficient]

     matched at [<oneselfsufficient>]

     matched at [<one>selfsufficient]

What we've done ensures that the overall match attempt actually fails, but in doing so we've got the regex engine to report all the possible matches. Without the figs/boxdr.jpg(?!)figs/boxul.jpg , Perl returns the first match found, but with it, we can see the remaining permutations.

With that in mind, what do you think the following prints?

     "123" =~ m{


        (?{ print "matched at [$'<$&>$']\n" })



It displays:

     matched at [<123>]

     matched at [<12>3]

     matched at [<1>23]

     matched at [1<23>]

     matched at [1<2>3]

     matched at [12<3>]

Hopefully at least the first three were expected, but the rest might be unexpected if you're not on your toes. The (?!) forces backtracking and the eventual appearance of the 2nd and 3rd lines. When the attempt at the start of the line fails, the transmission reapplies the regex again starting just before the 2nd character. (Chapter 4 explains this in great detail.) The 4th and 5th lines shown are from that second attempt, and the last line shown is from the third attempt.

So, adding the (?!) really does cause it to show all possible matches, not just all of them from a particular starting point. It may be useful to see only the possible matches from a particular starting point; we'll look into that in a bit. Finding the longest match

Now, instead of showing all the matches, let's find and save the longest match. We can do this by using a variable to keep track of the longest match seen so far and comparing each new "almost match" against it. Here is the solution with the 'oneself' example:

     $longest_match = undef; # We'll keep track of the longest match here

     "oneselfsufficient" =~ m{



            # Check to see if the current match ($&) is the longest so far

            if (not defined($longest_match)


               length($&) > length($longest_match))


               $longest_match = $&;



        (?!) # Force failure so we'll backtrack to find further "matches"


     # Now report the accumulated result, if any

     if (defined($longest_match)) {

        print "longest match=[$longest_match]\n";

     } else {

        print "no match\n";


Not surprisingly, this shows 'longest match=[oneselfsufficient]'. That bit of embedded code is pretty long, and something we'll likely use in the future, so let's encapsulate it and the figs/boxdr.jpg(?!)figs/boxul.jpg into their own regex object:

     my $RecordPossibleMatch = qr{


            # Check to see if the current match ($&) is the longest so far

            if (not defined($longest_match)


               length($&) > length($longest_match))


               $longest_match = $&;



        (?!) # Force failure so we'll backtrack to find further "matches"


Here's a simple example that uses finds '9938', the longest match overall :

     $longest_match = undef; # We'll keep track of the longest match here

     "800-998-9938" =~ m{ \d+ $RecordPossibleMatch }x;

     # Now report the accumulated result, if any

     if (defined($longest_match)) {

        print "longest match=[$longest_match]\n";

     } else {

        print "no match\n";

     } Finding the longest-leftmost match

Now that we know how to find the longest match overall, let's restrict it to finding the longest-leftmost match. That just happens to be the match that a POSIX NFA would find (see Section 4.6.1). To accomplish this, we need to disable the transmission's bump-ahead if we've seen a match so far. That way, once we find the first match, normal backtracking still brings us to any other matches available from the same starting location (allowing us to keep track of the longest match), but the disabled bump-ahead inhibits the finding of matches that start later in the string.

Perl doesn't give us direct hooks into the transmission, so we can't disable the bump-ahead directly, but we can get the same effect by not allowing the regex to proceed past the start if $longest_match is already defined. The test for that is figs/boxdr.jpg (?{ defined $longest_match}) figs/boxul.jpg , but that alone not enough, since it's just a test. The key to using the results of the test lies in a conditional. Using embedded code in a conditional

To have the regex engine respond to the results of our test, we use the test as the if of an figs/boxdr.jpg (? if then | else ) figs/boxul.jpg conditional (see Section Since we want the regex to stop if the test is true, we use a fail-now (?!) as the then part. (We don't need an else part, so we just omit it.) Here's a regex object that encapsulates the conditional:

     my $BailIfAnyMatch = qr/(?(?{ defined $longest_match})


The if part is underlined, and the then part is shown in bold. Here it is in action, combined with the $RecordPossibleMatch defined below:

     "800-998-9938" =~ m{ $BailIfAnyMatch \d+ $RecordPossibleMatch }x;

This finds '800', the POSIX "longest of all leftmost matches" match.

7.8.3 Using local in an Embedded-Code Construct

The use of local within an embedded-code construct takes on special meaning. Understanding it requires a good understanding of dynamic scoping (see Section 7.3.2) and of the "crummy analogy" from the Chapter 4's discussion of how a regex-directed NFA engine goes about its work (see Section 4.4.1). The following contrived (and, as we'll see, flawed) example helps to illustrate why, without a lot of extraneous clutter. It checks to see if a line is composed of only figs/boxdr.jpg\w+figs/boxul.jpg and figs/boxdr.jpg\s+figs/boxul.jpg , but counts how many the figs/boxdr.jpg\w+figs/boxul.jpg are really figs/boxdr.jpg\d+\bfigs/boxul.jpg :

     my $Count = 0;

     $text =~ m{

        ^ (?> \d+ (?{ $Count++ }) \b | \w+ | \s+ )* $


When this is matched against a string like '123•abc•73•9271•xyz', the $Count variable is left with a value of three. However, when applied to '123•abc•73xyz' it's left with a value of two, even though it should be left with a value of just one. The problem is that $Count is updated after matching '73', something that is matched by figs/boxdr.jpg\d+figs/boxul.jpg but later "unmatched" via backtracking because the subsequent figs/boxdr.jpg\bfigs/boxul.jpg can't match. The problem arises because the code executed via the embeddedcode construct is not somehow "unexecuted" when its part of the regex is "unmatched" via backtracking.

In case you have any confusion with the use of figs/boxdr.jpg(?>···)figs/boxul.jpg atomic grouping (see Section and the backtracking going on here, I'll mention that the atomic grouping is used to prevent a neverending-match (see Section, and does not affect backtracking within the construct, only backtracking back into the construct after it's been exited. So the figs/boxdr.jpg\d+figs/boxul.jpg is free to be "unmatched" if the subsequent figs/boxdr.jpg\bfigs/boxul.jpg cannot match.

The easy solution for this contrived example is to put the figs/boxdr.jpg\bfigs/boxul.jpg before incrementing $Count, to ensure that it is incremented only when it won't be undone. However, I'd like to show a solution using local, to illustrate its effect within Perl executed during the application of a regex. With that in mind, consider this new version:

     our $Count = 0;


     $text =~ m{

       ^ (?> \d+ (?{ local($Count) = $Count + 1 }) \b | \w+ | \s+ )* $


The first change to notice is that $Count changed from a my variable to a global one (if you use strict , as I always recommend, you can't use an unqualified global variable unless you "declare" it with Perl's our declarator).

The other change is that the increment of $Count has been localized. Here's the key behavior: when a variable is localized within a regex, the original value is replaced (the new value is lost) if the code with the local is "unmatched" because of backtracking. So, even though local($Count) = $Count + 1 is executed after '73' is matched by figs/boxdr.jpg\d+figs/boxul.jpg , changing $Count from one to two, that change is "localized to the success of the path" that the regex is on when local is called. When the figs/boxdr.jpg\bfigs/boxul.jpg fails, the regex engine logically backtracks to before the local, and $Count reverts to its original value of one. And that's the value it ends up having when the end of the regex is eventually reached.

Interpolating Embedded Perl

As a security measure, Perl doesn't normally allow an embedded-code construct figs/boxdr.jpg(?{···})figs/boxul.jpg or a dynamic-subexpression construct figs/boxdr.jpg(??{···})figs/boxul.jpg to be interpolated into the regex from a string variable. (They are allowed, though, from a regex object, as with $RecordPossibleMatch in Section That is,

     m{ (?{ print "starting\n" }) some regex··· }x;

is allowed, but

     my $ShowStart = '(?{ print "starting\n" })';




     m{ $ShowStart some regex··· }x;

is not. This limitation is imposed because it has long been common to include user input as part of a regex, and the introduction of these constructs suddenly allowing such a regex to run arbitrary code creates a huge security hole. So, the default is that it's disallowed.

If you'd like to allow this kind of interpolation, the declaration:

     use re 'eval';

lifts the restriction. (With different arguments, the use re pragma can also be used for debugging; see Section 7.9.6.)

Sanitizing user input for interpolation

If you use this and do allow user input to be interpolated, be sure that it has no embedded-Perl or dynamic-regex constructs. You can do this by checking against figs/boxdr.jpg\(\s*\?+[p{]figs/boxul.jpg . If this matches the input, it's not safe to use in a regex. The figs/boxdr.jpg\s+figs/boxul.jpg is needed because the /x modifier allows spaces after the opening parentheses. (I'd think that they shouldn't be allowed there, but they are.) The plus quantifies figs/boxdr.jpg\?figs/boxul.jpg so that both constructs are recognized. Finally, the p is included to catch the now-deprecated figs/boxdr.jpg(?p{···})figs/boxul.jpg construct, the forerunner of figs/boxdr.jpg(??{···})figs/boxul.jpg .

I think it would be useful if Perl supported a modifier of some sort that allowed or prohibited embedded code on a per-regex or subexpression basis, but until one is introduced, you'll have to check for it yourself, as described above.

So, local is required to keep $Count consistent until the end of the regex. If we were to put figs/boxdr.jpg(?{ print "Final count is $Count.\n" })figs/boxul.jpg at the end of the regex, it would report the proper count. Since we want to use $Count after the match, we need to save it to a non-localized variable at some point before the match officially ends. This is because all values that had been localized during the match are lost when the match finishes.

Here's an example:

     my $Count = undef;

     our $TmpCount = 0;

     $text =~ m{

       ^ (?> \d+ (?{ local($TmpCount) = $TmpCount + 1 }) \b | \w+ | \s+ )* $

       (?{ $Count = $TmpCount }) # Save the "ending" $Count to a non-localized variable


     if (defined $Count) {

        print "Count is $Count.\n";

     } else {

        print "no match\n";


This seems like a lot of work for something so simple, but again, this is a contrived example designed just to show the mechanics of localized variables within a regex. We'll see practical use in "Mimicking Named Capture" in Section 7.8.8.

7.8.4 A Warning About Embedded Code and my Variables

If you have a my variable declared outside a regex, but refer to it from inside regex embedded code, you must be very careful about a subtle issue with Perl's variable binding that has a very unsubtle impact. Before describing the issue, I'll note up front that if you use only global variables within regex embedded code, you don't have to worry about this issue, and you can safely skip this section. Warning: this section is not light reading.

This contrived example illustrates the problem:

     sub CheckOptimizer


        my $text = shift; # The first argument is the text to check.

        my $start = undef; # We'll note here where the regex is first applied.

        my $match = $text =~ m{

            (?{ $start = $-[0] if not defined $start}) # Save the first starting position

            \d # This is the regex being tested



        if (not defined $start) {

            print "The whole match was optimized away.\n";

            if ($match) {

               # This can't possibly happen!

               print "Whoa, but it matched! How can this happen!?\n";


        } elsif ($start == 0) {

            print "The match start was not optimized.\n";

        } else {

            print "The optimizer started the match at character $start.\n"



This code has three my variables, but only one, $start, is related to this issue (the others are not referenced from within embedded code, so are not at issue). It works by first setting $start to the undefined value, then applying a match in which the leading component is an embedded-code construct that sets $start to the starting location of the attempt, but only if it hasn't already been set. The "starting location of the attempt" is derived from $-[0] (the first element of @- see Section 7.3.3).

So, when this function is called with

     CheckOptimizer("test 123");

the result is:

     The optimizer started the match at character 5.

That's okay, but if we invoke the exact same call again, the second time shows:

     The whole match was optimized away.

     Whoa, but it matched! How can this happen!?

Even though the text checked by the regex is the same (as is the regex itself, for that matter), the result is different, and seems to be wrong. Why? The problem is that the second time through, the $start that the embedded code is updating is the one that existed the first time through, when the regex was compiled. The $start that the rest of the function uses is actually a new variable created afresh when the my is executed at the start of each function call.

The key to this issue is that my variables in embedded code are "locked in" (bound, in programming terminology) to the specific instance of the my variable that is active at the time the regex is compiled. (Regex compilation is discussed in detail starting in Section 7.9.2.) Each time CheckOptimizer is called, a new instance of $start is created, but for esoteric reasons, the $start inside the embedded code still refers to the first instance that is now long gone. Thus, the instance of $start that the rest of the function uses doesn't receive the value ostensibly written to it within the regex.

This type of instance binding is called a closure, and books like Programming Perl and Object Oriented Perl show discuss why it's a valuable feature of the language. There is debate in the Perl community, however, as to just how much of a "feature" it is in this case. To most people, it's very unintuitive.

The solution is to not refer to my variables from within a regex unless you know that the regex literal will be compiled at least as often as the my instances are refreshed. For example, the my variable $NestedStuffRegex is used within the SimpleConvert subroutine in the listing in Section 7.8.8, but we know this is not a problem because there's only ever one instance of $NestedStuffRegex. Its my is not in a function or a loop, so it's created just once when the script is loaded, with that same instance existing until the program ends.

7.8.5 Matching Nested Constructs with Embedded Code

The example in Section 7.8.1 shows how to match arbitrarily nested pairs using a dynamic regex. That's generally the easiest way to do it, but it's instructive to see a method using only embedded-code constructs, so I'd like to show it to you here.

The approach is simply this: keep a count of how many open parentheses we've seen that have not yet been closed, and allow a closing parenthesis only if there are outstanding opens. We'll use embedded code to keep track of the count as we match through the text, but before looking at that, let's look at a (not yet working) skeleton the expression:

     my $NestedGuts = qr{



                # Stuff not parenthesis


                # An opening parenthesis

                |  \(

                # A closing parenthesis

                |  \)




The atomic grouping is required for efficiency, to keep the figs/boxdr.jpg ( [···]+ |···)* figs/boxul.jpg from becoming a neverending match (see Section 6.1.4) if $NestedGuts is used as part of some larger expression that could cause backtracking. For example, if we used it as part of m/^\( $NestedGuts \)$/x and applied it to '(this•is•missing•the•close', it would track and backtrack for a long time if atomic grouping didn't prune the redundant states.

To incorporate the counting, we need these four steps:


Before beginning, the count must be initialized to zero:
     (?{ local $OpenParens = 0 })


When an open parenthesis is seen, we increment the count to indicate that one more set of parentheses has yet to balance.
     (?{ $OpenParens++ })


When a close parenthesis is seen, we check the count, and if it's currently positive, we decrement the count to recognize that one less set remains unbalanced. On the other hand, if the count is zero, we can't allow the match to continue (because the close parenthesis does not balance with an open), so we apply figs/boxdr.jpg(?!)figs/boxul.jpg to force failure:
     (?(?{ $OpenParens }) (?{ $OpenParens-- }) | (?!) )

This uses an figs/boxdr.jpg (? if then | else ) figs/boxul.jpg conditional (see Section, with an embedded-code construct checking the count as the if.


Finally, once matching has completed, we check the count to be sure it's zero. If it's not, there weren't enough close parentheses to balance the opens, so we should fail:
     (?(?{ $OpenParens != 0 })(?!))

Adding these items to skeleton expression gives us:

my $NestedGuts = qr{

   (?{ local $OpenParens = 0 }) # [1] Counts the number of nested opens waiting to close.

   (?> # atomic-grouping for efficiency


             # Stuff not parenthesis


             # [2] An opening parenthesis

             | \( (?{ $OpenParens++ })

             # [3] Allow a closing parenthesis, if we're expecting any

             | \) (?(?{ $OpenParens != 0 }) (?{ $OpenParens-- }) | (?!) )



    (?(?{ $OpenParens != 0 })(?!)) # [4] If there are any open parens left, don't finish


This can now be used just like $LevelN in Section 7.8.1.

The local is used as a precaution to isolate this regex's use of $OpenParens from any other use the global variable might have within the program. Unlike local's use in the previous section, it's not needed for backtracking protection because the atomic grouping in the regex ensures that once an alternative has been matched, it can't ever be "unmatched." In this case, the atomic grouping is used for both efficiency and to absolutely ensure that the text matched near one of the embedded-code constructs can't be unmatched by backtracking (which would break the sync between the value of $OpenParens and the number of parentheses actually matched).

7.8.6 Overloading Regex Literals

You can pre-process the literal parts of a regex literal in any way you like with overloading. The next sections show examples. Adding start- and end-of-word metacharacters

Perl doesn't support figs/boxdr.jpg\<figs/boxul.jpg and figs/boxdr.jpg\>figs/boxul.jpg as start- and end-of-word metacharacters, and that's probably because it's rare that figs/boxdr.jpg\bfigs/boxul.jpg doesn't suffice. However, if we wish to have them, we can support them ourselves using overloading to replace '\<' and '\>' in a regex by figs/boxdr.jpg(?<!\w)(?=\w)figs/boxul.jpg and figs/boxdr.jpg(?<=\w)(?!\w)figs/boxul.jpg , respectively.

First, we'll create a function, say, MungeRegexLiteral, that does the desired preprocessing:

     sub MungeRegexLiteral($)


        my ($RegexLiteral) = @_; # Argument is a string

        $RegexLiteral =~ s/\\</(?<!\\w)(?=\\w)/g; # Mimic \< as start-of-word boundary

        $RegexLiteral =~ s/\\>/(?<=\\w)(?!\\w)/g; # Mimic \> as end-of-word boundary

        return $RegexLiteral; # Return possibly-modified string


When this function is passed a string like '···\<···', it converts it and returns the string '···(?<!\w)(?=\w)···'. Remember, because the replacement part of a substitution is like a double-quoted string, it needs '\\w' to get '\w' into the value.

Now, to install this so that it gets called automatically on each literal part of a regex literal, we put it into a file, say, with the Perl mechanics for overloading:

     package MyRegexStuff; # Best to call the package something unique

     use strict;   # Good practice to always use this

     use warnings; # Good practice to always use this

     use overload; # Allows us to invoke Perl's overloading mechanism

     # Have our regex handler installed when we're use'd . . . .

     sub import { overload::constant qr => \&MungeRegexLiteral }

     sub MungeRegexLiteral($)


        my ($RegexLiteral) = @_; # Argument is a string

        $RegexLiteral =~ s/\\</(?<!\\w)(?=\\w)/g;  # Mimic \< as start-of-word boundary

        $RegexLiteral =~ s/\\>/(?<=\\w)(?!\\w)/g; # Mimic \> as end-of-word boundary

        return $RegexLiteral;  # Return possibly-modified string


     1; # Standard idiom so that a 'use' of this file returns something true

If we place in the Perl library path (see PERLLIB in the Perl documentation), we can then invoke it from Perl script files in which we want the new features made available. For testing, though, we can just leave it in the same directory as the test script, invoking it with:

use lib '.';       # Look for library files in the current directory

use MyRegexStuff;  # We now have our new functionality available!




$text =~ s/\s+\</ /g; # Normalize any type of whitespace before a word to a single space




We must use MyRegexStuff in any file in which we want this added support for regex literals, but the hard work of building need be done only once. (The new support isn't available in itself because it doesn't use MyRegexStuff — something you wouldn't want to do.) Adding support for possessive quantifiers

Let's extend to add support for possessive quantifiers like figs/boxdr.jpgx++figs/boxul.jpg (see Section Possessive quantifiers work like normal greedy quantifiers, except they never give up (never "unmatch") what they've matched. They can be mimicked with atomic grouping by simply removing the final '+' and wrapping everything in atomic quotes, e.g., by changing figs/boxdr.jpg regex*+figs/boxul.jpg to figs/boxdr.jpg (?> regex*) figs/boxul.jpg (see Section 4.5.8).

The regex part can be a parenthesized expression, a metasequence like figs/boxdr.jpg\wfigs/boxul.jpg or figs/boxdr.jpg\x{1234}figs/boxul.jpg , or even just a normal character. Handling all possible cases is difficult, so to keep the example simple for the moment, let's concentrate on ?+, *+, or ++ quantifying only a parenthesized expression. Using $LevelN from Section 7.8.1, we can add

     $RegexLiteral =~ s/(  \( $LevelN \)[*+?] )\+/(?>$1)/gx;

to the MungeRegexLiteral function.

That's it. Now, with it part of our overloaded package, we can use a regex literal with possessive quantifiers, like this example from Section 5.2.7:

     $text =~ s/"(\\.|[^"])*+"//; # Remove double-quoted strings

Extending this beyond just parenthesized expressions is tricky because of the variety of things that can be in a regular expression. Here's one attempt:

     $RegexLiteral =~ s{


           # Match something that can be quantified . . .

           (?: \\[\\abCdDefnrsStwWX] # \n, \w, etc.

             | \\c. # \cA

             | \\x[\da-fA-F]{1,2}   # \xFF

             | \\x\{[\da-fA-F]*\}   # \x{1234}

             | \\[pP]\{[^{}]+\}     # \p{Letter}

             | \[\]?[^]]+\]         # "poor man's" class

             | \\\W                 # \*

             | \( $LevelN \)        # (···)

             | [^()*+?\\]           # almost anything else


            # . . . and is quantified . . .

            (?: [*+?] | \{\d+(?:,\d*)?\} )


         \+  # . . . and has an extra '+' after the quantifier.


The general form of this regex is the same as before: match something quantified possessively, remove the '+', and wrap the result in figs/boxdr.jpg(?>···)figs/boxul.jpg . It's only a half-hearted attempt to recognize the complex syntax of Perl regular expressions. The part to match a class is particularly needy, in that it doesn't recognize escapes within the class. Even worse, the basic approach is flawed because it doesn't understand every aspect of Perl regular expressions. For example, if faced with '\(blah\)++', it doesn't properly ignore the opening literal parenthesis, so it thinks the figs/boxdr.jpg++figs/boxul.jpg is applied to more than just figs/boxdr.jpg\)figs/boxul.jpg .

These problems can be overcome with great effort, perhaps using a technique that carefully walks through the regex from start to finish (similar to the approach shown in the sidebar in Section 3.4.3). I'd like to enhance the part that matches a character class, but in the end, I don't feel it's worth it to address the other issues, for two reasons. The first is that the situations in which it doesn't already work well are fairly contrived, so just fixing the character class part is probably enough to make it acceptable in practice. But in the end, Perl's regex overloading currently has a fatal flaw, discussed in the next section, which renders it much less useful than it might otherwise be.

7.8.7 Problems with Regex-Literal Overloading

Regex-literal overloading can be extremely powerful, at least in theory, but unfortunately, it's not very useful in practice. The problem is that it applies to only the literal part of a regex literal, and not the parts that are interpolated. For example, with the code m/($MyStuff)*+// our MungeRegexLiteral function is called twice, once with the literal part of the regex before the variable interpolation (" ( "), and once with the part after (" )*+ "). (It's never even given the contents of $MyStuff.) Since our function requires both parts at the same time, variable interpolation effectively disables it.

This is less of an issue with the support for \< and \> we added earlier, since they're not likely to be broken up by variable interpolation. But since overloading doesn't affect the contents of an interpolated variable, a string or regex object containing '\<' or '\>' would not be processed by overloading. Also, as the previous section touched on, when a regex literal is processed by overloading, it's not easy to be complete and accurate every time. Even something as simple as our support for \> gets in the way when given '\\>', ostensibly to match a '\' followed by '>'.

Another problem is that there's no way for the overload processing to know about the modifiers that the regex was applied with. In particular, it may be crucial to know whether /x was specified, but there's currently no way to know that.

Finally, be warned that using overloading disables the ability to include characters by their Unicode name ( figs/boxdr.jpg\N{name}figs/boxul.jpg see Section

7.8.8 Mimicking Named Capture

Despite the shortcomings of overloading, I think it's instructive to see a complex example bringing together many special constructs. Perl doesn't offer named captur e (see Section, but it can be mimicked with capturing parentheses and the $^N variable (see Section 7.3.3), which references the text matched by the most-recently-closed set of capturing parentheses. (I put on the hat of a Perl developer and added $^N support to Perl expressly to allow named-capture to be mimicked.)

As a simple example, consider:

href\s*=\s*($HttpUrl)(?{ $url = $^N })

This uses the $HttpUrl regex object developed in Section 7.4.1. The underlined part is an embedded-code construct that saves the text matched by $HttpUrl to the variable $url. In this simple situation, it seems overkill to use $^N instead of $1, or to even use the embedded-code construct in the first place, since it seems so easy to just use $1 after the match. But consider encapsulating part of that into a regex object, and then using it multiple times:

     my $SaveUrl = qr{

         ($HttpUrl)        # Match an HTTP URL . . .

         (?{ $url = $^N }) # . . . and save to $url


     $text =~ m{

        http \s*=\s* ($SaveUrl)

      | src  \s*=\s* ($SaveUrl)


Regardless of which matches, $url is set to the URL that matched. Again, in this particular use, you could use other means (such as the $+ variable see Section 7.3.3), but as $SaveUrl is used in more complex situations, the other solutions become more difficult to maintain, so saving to a named variable can be much more convenient.

One problem with this example is that values written to $url are not "unwritten" when the construct that wrote to them is unmatched via backtracking. So, we need to modify a localized temporary variable during the initial match, writing to the "real" variable only after an overall match has been confirmed, just as we did in the example in Section 7.8.4.

The listing in the next section shows one way to solve this. From the user's point of view, after using figs/boxdr.jpg(?<Num>\d+)figs/boxul.jpg , the number matched by figs/boxdr.jpg\d+figs/boxul.jpg is available in the global hash %^N, as $^N{Num}. Although future versions of Perl could decide to turn %^N into a special system variable of some sort, it's not currently special, so we're free to use it.

I could have chosen a name like %NamedCapture, but instead chose %^N for a few reasons. One is that it's similar to $^N. Another is that it's not required to be predeclared with our when used under use strict. Finally, it's my hope that Perl will eventually add named capture natively, and I think adding it via %^N would be a fine idea. If that happens, %^N would likely be automatically dynamically scoped like the rest of the regex-related special variables (see Section 7.3.3). But as of now, it's a normal global variable, so is not dynamically scoped automatically.

Again, even this more-involved approach suffers from the same problems as anything using regex-literal overloading, such as an incompatibility with interpolated variables.

Mimicking Named Capture

package MyRegexStuff;

use strict;

use warnings;

use overload;

sub import { overload::constant('qr' => \&MungeRegexLiteral) }

my $NestedStuffRegex; # This should be predeclared, because it's used in its own definition.

$NestedStuffRegex = qr{


   (?:  # Stuff not parens, not '#', and not an escape . . .             


        # Escaped stuff . . .           

      | (?s: \\. )

        # Regex comment . . .

      |   \#.*\n

        # Matching parens, with more nested stuff inside . . .

      |  \( (??{ $NestedStuffRegex })    \)





sub SimpleConvert($); # This must be predeclared, as it's used recursively

sub SimpleConvert($)


   my $re = shift; # Regex to mangle

   $re =~ s{

      \(\? # "(?"

       < ( (?>\w+) ) >           #    < $1 > $1 is an identifier

       ( $NestedStuffRegex )     #    $2 - possibly-nested stuff

      \)                          # ")"


    my $id = $1;

    my $guts = SimpleConvert($2);

    # We change

    #     (?<id>guts)

    # to

    #     (?: (guts) # match the guts

    #         (?{

    #           local($^N{$id}) = $guts # Save to a localized element of %^T

    #          })

    #     )

    "(?:($guts)(?{ local(\$^T{'$id'}) = \$^N }))"


  return $re;  # Return mangled regex



sub MungeRegexLiteral($)


  my ($RegexLiteral) = @_; # Argument is a string

  # print "BEFORE: $RegexLiteral\n"; # Uncomment this for debugging

  my $new = SimpleConvert($RegexLiteral);

  if ($new ne $RegexLiteral)


    my $before = q/(?{ local(%^T) = () })/;    # Localize temporary hash

    my $after  = q/(?{ %^N = %^T       })/;    # Copy temp to "real" hash

    $RegexLiteral = "$before(?:$new)$after";


  # print "AFTER: $RegexLiteral\n"; # Uncomment this for debugging

  return $RegexLiteral;




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