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Oracle Workflow User's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10285-02 |
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To Define a Rule for Automatic Notification Processing
1. Use a web browser to connect to one of two URLs.
This URL can include an optional argument, as denoted by the square brackets []. You should omit the square brackets to pass the optional argument.
Replace the bracketed italicized text in the above URL as follows:
- <webagent> represents the base URL of the web agent configured for Oracle Workflow in your Web server. See: Setting Global User Preferences, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
- <rolename> represents an internal role name that you want to query routing rules for. Note, however, that you can query for roles other than your current role only if your current role has workflow administrator privileges. See: Setting Global User Preferences, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
Enter the user ID of a role and choose Find.
Attention: Both of these URLs access secured pages, so if you have not yet logged on as valid user in the current web session, you will be prompted to do so before the page appears.
Note: You can also access the Notification Rules web page from the Oracle Workflow home page. See: Accessing the Oracle Workflow Home Page.
2. The Notification Rules page for the role appears, listing all existing rules for the current role. Choose Create Rule.
3. In the Item Type poplist field, select the item type to which this rule applies or select <All> if you want this rule to apply to notifications associated with any item type.
4. Choose Next to proceed or choose Cancel if you want to cancel this rule and return to the previous page.
5. If you selected <All> as the item type to apply the rule to, then skip to step
8. If you selected a specific item type, then proceed to the next step to choose a notification from that item type to which you want your rule to apply.
6. In the Notification field, select the notification message to which this rule applies or select <All> if you want this rule to apply to all notifications in the item type.
7. Choose Next to proceed or choose Cancel if you want to cancel this rule and return to the previous page.
8. The final Create New Rule page appears. The fields in this page vary depending on the item type(s) and notification(s) that you are creating this rule for. For example, if your rule pertains to all item types, you can automatically reassign all the notifications to another user, but you cannot define an automatic response to all the notifications since different notifications have different response attributes.
9. Enter values in the Start Date and End Date fields to specify the period that this rule should be active. Specify the date using the default date format of your database and specify a time using the format HH24:MI:SS if your default date format does not have a time component.
If you leave Start Date blank, the rule is effective immediately. If you leave End Date blank, the rule is effective indefinitely.
Warning: Since you can define different rules for the same notification(s) to be effective at different times, the Automatic Notification Processing web page does not prevent you from defining multiple rules for the same notification(s). You should be careful to ensure that rules for the same notification(s) do not overlap in their effective dates. If multiple rules are effective for the same notification, Oracle Workflow picks one rule at random to apply.
10. In the "Comments to include in notification" field, enter any text that you want to append to the notification when the rule is applied. The comments appear in a special "Prior comments" field when the notification is reassigned or automatically responded to.
11. Choose the action that you want this rule to perform:
- "Reassign to"--forward the notification to a designated role.
- "Respond"--respond to the message with a set of predefined response values.
12. If your rule action is "Reassign to", click on the up-arrow icon to display a window that lets you search for a role to reassign to. See:
Using a List of Values.
13. After choosing a role, specify how you wish to reassign the notifications. Select 'Delegate Authority for Responding to Notifications' if you want to give the new role authority to respond to the notification on your behalf. With this option, Oracle Workflow maintains that you still own the notifications, but the recipient role of the notifications is now the role that you are reassigning your notifications to. Select 'Transfer Ownership of Notifications', if you want to give the new role complete ownership and responsibility of the notification.
Attention: Your workflow administrator may implement special logic to verify that the role that you attempt to delegate or transfer the notifications to is legitimate or to restrict reassignment of notifications altogether. If so, you may get a warning message to that effect when you attempt to create a reassigning rule.
14. If your rule action is "Respond", set the values that you want to automatically respond with.
15. Choose OK to save this rule and return to the Notification Rules page to display an updated list of your role's routing rules. You can also choose Cancel at any time if you want to cancel this rule and return to the previous page.

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