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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

! (exclamation point)
     != (not equal to operator)
     != (string comparison operator)
     conditional not operator
     debugger command
     environment variable
     event designators
     extended pattern-matching operator
     logical not operator
     negation operator
     negation wildcard
     process ID shell variable
" (double quotes)
     arithmetic expressions in
     around shell variables
     around special characters
     backslash preceding
     command line processing of
# (hash mark)
     ## (pattern-matching operator)
     array element length operator
     environment variable 2nd
     length operator
     pattern-matching operator 2nd
     prepend comment, vi
     printf flag
$ (dollar sign)
     $$ (shell variable)
     $((...)) (arithmetic expressions)
     $((...)) (arithmetic test)
     environment variable
     variable substitution 2nd 3rd
     vi command 2nd
     word designator
$0 positional parameter
$1 positional parameter
$2 positional parameter
$3 positional parameter
$else directive, readline
$endif directive, readline
$if directive, readline
% (percent sign)
     %% (job most recently put in background)
     %% (pattern-matching operator) 2nd
     %+ (job most recently put in background)
     %- (job second-most recently put in background)
     %? (job containing string)
     job numbers
     modulus operator
     pattern-matching operator
     printf format specifiers 2nd
     word designator
& (ampersand)
     && (logical and operator) 2nd 3rd
     &\\> (output and error redirection)
     bitwise and operator
     running commands in background 2nd
' (single quotes)
     around special characters
     command line processing of
     enclosing RETURN
     in alias definition
     when to use
( ) (parentheses)
     ((...)) (arithmetic test) 2nd 3rd
     command substitution
     grouping conditional operators
     in arithmetic expressions
     nested subshells
* (asterisk)
     ** (exponentiation operator)
     environment variable 2nd 3rd
     extended pattern-matching operator
     multiplication operator
     pattern-matching operator
     special array index
     textual completion, vi
     word designator
+ (plus sign)
     ++ (increment operator)
     addition operator
     extended pattern-matching operator
     printf flag
     vi command 2nd
     xtrace output
, (comma)
     sequential evaluation operator
     vi command
- (hyphen)
     -- (decrement operator)
     append word, vi
     environment variable
     preceding options
     printf flag
     subtraction operator
     vi command 2nd
-a (file attribute operator)
-a (logical operator)
-d (file attribute operator)
-e (file attribute operator)
-eq (equal to test operator)
-eq (integer comparison operator)
-f (file attribute operator)
-G (file attribute operator)
-ge (greater than or equal to test operator)
-ge (integer comparison operator)
-gt (greater than test operator)
-gt (integer comparison operator)
-le (integer comparison operator)
-le (less than or equal to test operator)
-lt (integer comparison operator)
-lt (less than test operator)
-N (file attribute operator)
-n (string comparison operator)
-ne (integer comparison operator)
-ne (not equal to test operator)
-nt (file attribute operator)
-O (file attribute operator)
-o (logical operator)
-ot (file attribute operator)
-r (file attribute operator)
-s (file attribute operator)
-w (file attribute operator)
-x (file attribute operator)
-z (string comparison operator)
. (dot)
     .. (parent directory)
     current directory
     preceding filenames 2nd
     synonym to source command
     vi command
.bash_profile file
     environment file and
     environment variables in
     restricted 2nd
.bashrc file
.inputrc file
.profile file
/ (slash)
     // (pattern-matching and replacement operator)
     division operator
     in restricted shell
     pattern-matching and replacement operator
     vi command
0 (zero) environment variable
0 (zero) printf flag
0 (zero) word designator
: (colon)
     :+ (string operator) 2nd
     :- (string operator)
     := (string operator) 2nd
     :? (string operator) 2nd
     string operator
; (semicolon)
     statement separator
     vi command
< (less than sign)
     <& (input redirection)
     <&- (input redirection)
     << (bit-shift left operator)
     << (here-document) 2nd
     <= (less than or equal to operator)
     <\\> (input/output redirection)
     input redirection
     less than operator
     redirecting input
     string comparison operator
= (equal sign)
     == (equal to operator)
     string comparison operator
     textual completion, vi
> (greater than sign)
     output redirection
? (question mark)
     debugger command
     environment variable 2nd
     extended pattern-matching operator
     vi command
@ (at sign)
     environment variable 2nd 3rd
     extended pattern-matching operator
     hostname completion
     special array index
[] (brackets)
     [...] (condition test) 2nd 3rd
     [[...]] (condition test) 2nd 3rd
\\> (greater than sign)
     \\>& (output redirection) 2nd
     \\>&- (output redirection)
     \\>= (greater than or equal to operator)
     \\>\\> (bit-shift right operator)
     \\>\\> (output redirection)
     \\>| (output redirection) 2nd
     greater than operator
     output redirection
     string comparison operator
\\\\ (backslash)
     continuation character 2nd
     escape character, echo
     escape character, prompt strings
     textual completion, vi
^ (caret)
     bitwise exclusive or operator
     event designator
     pipe character 2nd
     representing CTRL key
     vi command
     word designator
{} (braces)
     brace expansion wildcards
     command blocks in
     in shell variable syntax
| (vertical bar)
     bitwise or operator
     extended pattern matching
     in case statement
     pipe 2nd 3rd
     vi command
     || (logical or operator) 2nd 3rd
~ (tilde)
     bitwise not operator
     home directory
     in pathnames 2nd
     invert case, vi
     username completion

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